Chapter six: best birthday ever

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(Time jump to May 12)

This month has been so stressful. I have been so tired lately that it's started to bother my friends, but I can't help it. Today is my eighteenth birthday and I'm not exactly in the birthday mood. I feel so nauseous that I don't want to get out of bed. Everyone thinks I'm sick, but I'm really not.

Matt thinks I should just stay in bed today, and I agree. My friends, on the other hand, want to go and party. I turn over in my bed, put my covers over my head, and hope this feeling will just go away. My parents went on a business trip and thankfully aren't here. There is a knock on the front door and I refuse to get up. It opens in its own, so it was most likely Justin. "Nicole...are you still in bed?" He questions, coming up the stairs. I just groan as he opens my door.

"Go away." I mumble from under my covers. Then they are ripped off me and exposes me to the light.

"No, I promised I would spend the whole day with you. I promised on my birthday, remember...? What's wrong? Are you still tired?" I freak and freeze staring at him.

"Wait how long have I been tired?" I ask panic clear in my voice. He looks concerned.

"Um...about a couple weeks. Why?" I just shake my head. I try counting the days since my last period. No, it can't be...did the pill not work? I can't tell Justin so I take a deep breath. "What's wrong?" He asks again. He hugs me, trying to comfort me. But that doesn't really calm me down.

"Nothing, don't worry. Hey can you toss me my phone?" I say and he does.

'Matt I don't think it worked...can you get a test?' I text him hoping he won't freak.

'Yeah I'll be home in an hour.'

I look up and see Justin looking at me weirdly. "Since it's my birthday, can we just stay here and watch the Twilight series?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess, but why those movies...? Aren't those the ones you watch when-" I cut him off slapping his head. Why does he think he can say that out loud? "Sorry, but it must be a bad birthday then."

"You have no idea." I say. "Now put on the first one." I order and he does. He knows that when I'm hormonal, he shouldn't mess with me. After he puts in the movie he crawls in bed next to me, pulling the sheets up to cover us. He wraps his arms around me and I lay on his chest.

We get about and hour into the movie when Matt comes in holding a cvs bag. Justin shivers at what he thinks is in the bag, if only he knew. I get up and go to the bathroom and close the door. "Matt I'm scared." I say feeling tears pool in my eyes. He hugs me and rubs my back with one hand.

"Just do what it says on the box and come in my room when you have the answer." He says, letting me go and walking out. I have always pictured this day so differently; me, with my husband, excited to find out if we are going to be parents. Not on my eighteenth birthday with my brother, holding back tears of terror as I stare at the plastic bag in front of me. I take the box out and read the instructions.

After I do what was needed to be done, I sit there, anxiously waiting until my phone's timer goes off. I open Matt's door and he looks at me. "I can't look, I'm afraid to." I say with tears streaming down my face. He gets off his bed and comes over to me. He walks right pass me and into the bathroom. I follow him and he looks at the test on the counter.

"'s positive." He says slowly and barely even audible. He holds it up and I see the blue positive sign. That's when I break down crying, and fall to the ground. So many emotions come rolling over. I feel Matt's arms wrap around me in an attempt at comfort. Then there is a knock on the door.

My best friend's baby (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon