⊰❉⊱ INITIATE ⊰❉⊱

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If you had asked me how I regarded perfection before, I would have told you that it is unachievable but good for motivation. If you ask me now... I would say that you have no idea how close one can get.

On the 11th of November, 1918. Two significant things happened. The first world war ended and I became immortally bound to this earth.

What do these two events have in common?

Immortal intervention. Elite action from an ancient order. An unstoppable force taming the violence of man through superior being and bloodline. Not my words but you take my meaning. The members of Paragon. Undying beings that have mastered any and every art undertaken by mortals.

This is where I should start using the term we. I have after all, been inducted into the order for just over a century. I saw the chaos of another world war, another fallen empire, another crazed mortal seeking total power. I stood with my brothers and sisters and quietly removed them all. We are order.

Naturally there is a price to every great prize. The ultimate price for undiluted strength, beauty and power.

Blood. This is the limit to our perfection. Others would call it divine sustenance or God's eternal bounty. It's not. In my eyes it always makes us lesser. Having to take and take only to live on past any of them around us.

It took many years to come to terms with what I was and what I would choose to be. I didn't want to be a monster. My hands are not clean but they are not drenched either. I am a monster only to those that are monsters. I can suck the life out of soulless mortals and not lose a part of myself with it. I can contribute once again instead of only taking.

My watch over London began once we had neutralised the Cold War. This has been a divinely civil period of time but I will not hold my breath for too long... Whatever greed or ambition sucked me into the next great war–I would be there to end it too. The twenty first century is an interesting time to be alive indeed.

It has been ten years since Paragon had last called on my services. I occasionally met with immortals passing through, but I had my own priorities as of late. Detective of the Metropolitan police service, no less. With the education I had tucked away over the years I was more than efficient in my work. Not that the mortals ever received time stamps of these degrees... we had those for masking our guises well in Paragon. I would move on only once my youthful complexion became too obvious. Not many could look twenty three years of age and stay in the same place for long.

But my ability to sense the slightest flutter of a heart beat. The drip of perspiration or even the smell of fear. No one could lie to me. Crime was rife in the city but I put an end to many who would otherwise darken its streets. Sometimes the law was not enough.

Without this calling I am sure I would suffer the fate of other immortals whose moral compass led them into despair. Paragon terminate those who compromise our existence. Quickly. But I have no quarrel with what I am any more. With my immense power comes the ability for immense good. To stay in the shadows in order to keep the world in the light.

This is what I am.

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