16 - Surprise Visit At Green World

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I went towards the food section to buy snacks for Kryz when I noticed Parth standing there. So, I went towards him and patted on the back.

He turned to look at who it was and seeing me, he smiled.

"What's up buddy? I feel like someone was cuddling during the movie ",Parth dragged his words trying to make it sound cheesy.

"So, what?? ",I asked him back with a cheeky grin on my face.

"One butter salt popcorn and two soft drinks ",I ordered at the food section.

"Wow, a great change of mood from Andy!! So, tell me what happened? ", Parth asked curiously.

"Akansha asked for time to think ",I grinned.

"Looks like you will be together again ",he said with a smile.

Parth got his order and then I too took my order placing the money.

"Do you think Krystle would have walked away? ",Parth asked all of a sudden.

I stopped walking when I registered his words. What if she was gone?

"Don't worry. Akansha would have convinced her to stay ",he said soothingly.

I nodded my head and entered the theatre to see Krystle sitting there. So, she is really re-considering. Thank you god! Thank you!

I went towards her and sat next to her. She looked at me and gave me a faint smile. Then her eyes went down to see her favorite popcorn in my hand.

She squealed happily, "Thank you, you are my savior! My favorite! ",she exclaimed.

"Yeah, your favorite ",I mumbled.

"You remembered it?? ",she asked, shocked.

"Of course Kryz, the days I spent with you were the most memorable days of my life ", I said looking at her.

She smiled hearing my reply. "Did you come here alone? "

It's better not to talk about Parth. "Yes. I just had so many things running on my mind. So, I thought about diverting my mind. But, I think it was the best decision I had made. You are now with me ",I said with a smile.

Suddenly, the lights went off as the movie was about to start.

I then felt her palm slowly engulfing my hand and she started watching the movie.

I held the popcorn in one hand and took the soft drink and gave it to her. She mumbled a quick thank you and took it.

The time passed with us watching the film, eating popcorn. When she gets scared, she tightens her hand around me and sometimes, she hides her face slightly on my shoulders which she used to do when we watch scary movies before!


I looked at Parth to see him carrying my favorite popcorn with him.

"So nice of you! ",I smiled brightly and took it from his hand and started eating it.

"I bought it for myself too. It's not only for you ",he said and sat down.

I gave him a look and then put a mouth full of popcorn inside my mouth.

He gave me an unbelievable look and chuckled looking at me.

He gave me an unbelievable look and chuckled looking at me

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