Chapter 12

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The knife twisted in her skin, making a sickening noise. Dropping the knife and clutching at her wrist, Natalia sagged to the floor. Holding back a scream, she pushed two fingers into the cut and pulled out a small metal contraption.
Natalia rolled it between her fingers.
Her hands were red. Her thigh was red. Her shoulder was red. Blood was even smeared on her face.
Natalia was currently in a small apartment that she would usually use as a safe house.
It wasn't so safe anymore but she needed to replenish her supplies.

Natalia stood up slowly, still clutching her wrist and the contraption. She made her way into the bathroom. Blood splattered onto the floor as she went.

Placing the object that she knew was her tracker on the sink top, she let out a sigh.
The blood from her hand soon transferred to the cupboard as she reached for the huge medical supply. Doing her best to clean and bandage each of her wounds, Natalia then advanced to washing away the rest of the blood.

The once white sink now had splotches of red.
Natalia finally plucked up the courage to look in the mirror. The thing looking back at her was ghastly.
'Surely that's not me.'
The vulnerability she felt showed on her face. And she hated it.
'Vulnerability is weakness.'
Going back into Black Widow mode, she blanked her face. Only her eyes showed what she was feeling, what she had been through. And even then, only someone who knew how to read people would be able to see through her mask.

Natalia put her waist length hair in a ponytail. She had been meaning to cut it but never got around to it.
She splashed her face with water before gripping the sides of the sink.
Each deep breath she took eloped her push her immense pain aside. If she didn't get medical attention soon, she would die.
'Thank goodness for that recent enhancer operation'
Finally sure she wasn't going to breakdown, she went into mission mode.

Using her lipstick, she wrote a message for her pursuers on the mirror. She then used tape to stick the tracker under it.
Grabbing her bag, she left the apartment the way she had come in.
Her current goal was to find a hospital where they won't find her.

Natalia Romanov had no intentions to die today.

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