Chapter 18

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Elijah P.O.V

After leaving the room and ensuring my men were keeping watch, I had some plans I had to attend to.

As I enter a restaurant for a casual randayvu, I was given valuable information with will assist me greatly by an anonymous person, As I go to sit down, I see non-other than the brother "Glad you could join me" he calmly said as I continue to observe him. "I have a question," I say as he smiles slightly "Why would the brother of my rival choose to help me? And how can I trust what you have to tell me" I said as he calmly sits back... This should be interesting.

"Simple, he is NOT my brother and just like you he owes me a great debt that is in dire need to be repaid.... and...what I have to say is worth.... Millions" he said causing me to smirk "And this debt you have... assuming money?"

"Let's just say.... It's deadly" he smirked... hmm interesting indeed.



Annalise P.O.V

It's been an hour of me simply sitting around this hotel room. I freeze as I suddenly hear people outside the door. I slowly crept closer thinking it might be Elijah, hoping to hear any news of what's going on.

As I leaned towards the door to hear the murmuring of the people I then practically fly back away from the door as I hear a key card being swiped and the doorknob turning to open. I immediately grab the nearest thing to pretend as if I was doing something normal to appear as though I wasn't trying to listen in towards the door.

"Hello, Ms. Clyde my name is Linda I will be assisting you ..." the woman walking in the room said as she paused for a brief moment "umm... Ms.? Why are you holding a magazine... upside down?" she says while letting out a small laugh. I quickly blush from embarrassment. "I-I was just admiring this..." I quickly put down the magazine as it was a photo of an underwear model with of course his... *cough cough* practically sticking out. "Never mind, what did you just call me?" I say as I get up off the floor-crossing my arms around my chest.

"I, called you Ms. Clyde, my apologies if I offended you," she said quickly looking down. That jerk probably told everyone to call me that. I feel a wave of sadness go over me as I tighten my hands around my arms.... Ace... I miss you...

"Ms.?" the maid says once more snapping me out of my thought. "oh- sorry I was just thinking of something, also please call me Annalise I insist," I say gently due to the fact that Ms. Clyde makes me want to throw up. Linda gently goes to open the door. My eyes widen as I see a whole rack of dresses come in along with a makeup artist and hairdresser with their things.

"Ms. we would need you to select a dress so we can continue on schedule for today's celebration," Linda said as she brings me towards the dresses... celebration huh? More like an execution and the start of my worst nightmare. I then feel my face heat up as I desperately try not to cry. I emotionlessly look at the dresses... "that one" I say as Linda smiles as she then begins to give orders as she sends a report about what's going on, I'm assuming that bastard Elijah is watching my every move.

After nearly 2 hours of makeup and hair, I'm finally ready. "My My... Don't you look dazzling," Elijah said whispering into my ear as he slowly about to clasp his arms around me. I quickly get out of his grasp and jump back as he continues to smirk at me. "Aren't you a jumpy one, I'll make sure to remember that for our honeymoon" he teased as he continued to eye me.

"I hate you" I whisper as he roughly pulls me into his chest causing me to gasp. "You will learn to respect me!" he venomously said as I leaned back trying to create some distance between us. "Nevertheless, you are going to be my wife soon and I'll make sure you will beg me for more" he laughs as my face scrunches in disgust at the thought of the words he threatened me with.

I turn away from him as I look in the mirror admiring the makeup that the artist made on my face, "Oh by the way" he pauses as I continue to ignore him "I heard from a little birdy that something... particularly interesting happened to your little friend" he says why playing with his phone in hopes to annoy me more.

Knowing him he's probably lying "I'm sure you'd want to know especially when the due date is," he says pausing again as I slam down the lipstick in my hand "What could be so important that you won't shut the fuck up!" I yell as he noticeably gets irritated "Watch your mouth! But since you asked a baby is coming" he smirks as he teasingly walks around me in circles eyeing me up and down. My mind immediately went to the idea of Jax and Samantha having a baby, how wonderful.

"So, someone's having a baby, huh? Let me guess" I say while smiling and walking to pour myself a glass of water. "By all means guess but the final result is going to be absolutely shocking" He cheered in a devilish way sitting on the chair as he crossed his legs pouring himself a glass of wine. "Hmm... is it Samantha my editor?" I say while taking a sip of water, he let a small laugh. "I knew it was them, oh I know they're going to be so happy" I continued to ramble, Elijah simply leaned back into his chair.

I noticed him still smiling quite devilishly in fact "guess again" he said taking another sip. "Hmm... is it your cousin Sarah?" I say as he simply shakes his head, "Is it the Maid?" I say questionably as I start to run out of ideas. "Nope last chance," he said as I sit down across from taking the glass of wine, he hands to me. I gasp loudly as he smirks thinking that I finally guessed it. "Don't tell me it's, my parents!" I say as his smirk instantly drops "what, no" he said as he puts down his glass and lights a cigarette. "Then who?" I said in defeat not knowing who it could be. He then breathes out causing the smoke to go near me, I then wave away the smoke as I let out a cough.

"You met her from some event I recall, Celia DeRoe does that ring a bell," he says as he puts the pack of cigarettes into the pocket of his suit. "Yeah, I remember her, I hope she's happy," I say slightly bitter at the thought of her. "She's about 2 months pregnant apparently... or so I've heard," he says intending for me to comment on what he said. "Well, congrats to her-" I'm cut off by Elijah "aren't you going to guess who the father is?" he said smirking.

"Why should I care-..." I stop mid-sentence as I feel my heartbeats rabidly begin to beat faster and faster, my body begins to shake as my mind slightly goes blank leaving me in a trance, the cup in my hand slowly loses its grip causing It to almost fall from my hand. Elijah immediately takes the cup and sets it aside as he kneels in front of me.

A few moments go by as I didn't feel Elijah hold my hand caressing it. My eyes slowly move to his slightly pained face. "W-who's the f-father" my voice shakingly and desperately tried to say but only came out as a pathetic whisper barely able to raise my voice any louder. Elijah looks even more sinister as he says nothing.


It can't be...

"Who's the father" I stand ripping my hand out of his grasp causing him to instantly stand towering over me. He then envelops me into a hug as tears spill down my face without my knowledge of them doing so... "I'm sorry Annalise" he says as he hugs me tighter. As I begin to scream and thrash in his grip.


"Ace is the father" ....

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