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Revion sighed as he stared at the sobbing Anna across from him at the table. He had so far gotten from Stella that there was a huge fight between René and Elise. They didn't know what had happened to René after she went after Elise into the bathroom.

He had already sent out men to find René and bring her back.

He was now just trying to work out the details. Stella was unable to speak much more than she had. If anything she was terrified and traumatized, just like Anna seemed to be. He however knew Anna was the most sane of the group and his best chance at information.

"René challenged Elise to a fight. She said it was like the Alpha on Alpha fights but between Lunas instead. Stella and I were not allowed to get involved anymore. We had to stand to the side and watch," Anna finally blurted out at least some information.

"René challenged Elise to a duel and you said nothing to stop it! Elise has no ability to shift and she was still under orders to not do any dangerous activities in her condition!" Revion yelled, furious.

"I didn't know any better. René said things would be better if we agreed."

"Agreed to what?"

"To— to kill you. Elise as well. She made Stella slip a drug into your drink. Elise woke up. She was not supposed to wake up. She was supposed to take the drink as well," Anna sobbed.

His eyes went wide. He remembered taking two drinks, one for himself and one for Elise. She refused saying she didn't drink. He knew that before but had wondered if she at least wanted a sip.

If she had agreed they would have both been dead currently.

"She attacked Stella to get René to back down. She tried to talk her out of it. René went practically insane. She told me to kill Elise. I didn't know what to do until she called off the order and declared the fight. It was hardly fair. She was armed and Elise was losing. Elise managed to stab René in the shoulder. Elise froze there. I could see it. She didn't like hurting René. She ran into the bathroom and René broke the door. That's all I saw. I swear it," Anna admitted.

"You and Stella agreed to this plan?"

"René didn't want to be a slave. She hated being less than Elise. Killing her would free us, René said so."

"You are aware there are other Lycans in this castle. The Lycans here are those most loyal to me. They all have marks a little similar to those mates exchange. It's a tradition that you probably have never heard about. The moment you stabbed me they would have instantly known. You would all have been killed instantly."

Anna was trembling in her seat. The plan would have failed regardless. How could they have known that. René had failed to kill Elise and was missing. Stella was terrified and she herself felt the guilt of their failure.

"You have committed serious acts of treason. I wish I could give you all a second chance but I can't. Your second chance was servitude. If you spent enough time serving Elise I would have freed you and I would have wrote off your guilt. I am however rebuilding my kingdom. I cannot allow for anyone to think of me as merciful. I will not be issuing the death penalty until all evidence is made clear. The drug you girls obtained as well as fine details still remain uncertain so for the time being you will have life imprisonment," Revion declared.

"Please I didn't—"

"You tried to kill two members of the crown. You made no effort to stop an unfair death match that should never have been allowed and you made no effort to report the plan to any authorities."

Revion felt no guilt for his decision. Anna had had her chance. He had truly believed she would be the one of the group to change and reform.

"You may want to get used to living in the dungeon. Harry, Carl, take her to her cell," Revion said.

He watched as they took Anna out.

She was fighting and struggling as anyone would if they were being taken to spend the rest of their lives in a cell.

She was thrown in a three person cell with Stella. There was one metal bed against each wall. One bed had no occupant. He left it for René in the case that she was not dead.

All signs pointed to her having fallen out the window. He just could not confirm her dead.

He was certain that Elise believed that she was dead... he finally understood why she was acting so strange. She hated violence. She refused to let him harm people. She hated seeing people harmed. She had a good heart. So if she believed that René's supposed death was her fault...

He felt extremely worried about his mate. He left the dungeon and began making his way towards Lauren's room, the place he had left his mate.

He opened the door and found her and Lauren talking together. She looked reserved but not too bad. She was still in obvious pain but she didn't look as bad mentally as when he left her.

"Revion!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"You okay Elise? I hope I did not make you wait too long."

She shook her head and got off the bed.

"No walking. You just got injured. You need to rest. That means no exercise and no walking," he said kissing her on the nose.

"Revion please, you don't have to do it here," Lauren groaned.

Elise glanced down. She felt embarrassed.

"No Elise, remember what we discussed. Chin up," Revion reminded her.

Elise tried to nod with his finger underneath her chin.

"You're so perfect," he whispered in his mate's ear.

"Was everything fine while I was gone?" He asked.

"Does she often get panic attacks?" Lauren asked concerned.

"No— if she had a panic attack you should have brought her to me!"

"Please don't shout," Elise whispered.

"But I'm worried about you Elise."

"I'm fine."

"No you are not. I'll see you three later at the council meeting. Lauren, I assume you'll make sure they are on time," Revion said walking out of the room with his mate.

"You should have said goodbye," Elise said once he closed the door.

"I'm a bit frustrated with them. If you have a panic attack I can help you best. They are my friends but they barely know you. I put you in a situation that made you uncomfortable."

"The bedroom is in the other direction," she pointed out as they walked.

"I know. I thought we could go for a walk outside. The fresh air will be good for you. There is a very nice maze as well and I am the only one who knows the way through it."

"That sounds nice. I don't think I will be able to go back to sleep."

"Me neither."


I don't know how but this book ranked #503 out of 434K in Fiction and I have to thank you all for that. You are all so amazing.

Your comments and enthusiasm have really motivated me and I have gotten quite a few chapters done because of it. Please keep commenting and voting.

Quick question:
Other than reading (and/or writing) what are your favourite hobbies?

(I really like doing art and I draw digitally quite a bit.)

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