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            The night had begun. Blake was frantically suffocating with memories that felt as if she were trapped inside a deathly nightmare...Because that day had ended like a nightmare, with love in her eyes but red on her hands. Shedding the times ending with a tear.

Blake stood in a long hallway. The boy with light brown hair, Ryan, was right by her side, they both stared at the bolted door in front of them. They tried to open the door but the stolen keycard seemed to be deactivated.

Then she heard footsteps, loud thumps of boots. She turned her head to see a man, gun tightly gripped in his hands, snakily finger ready on the trigger. The metallic surface of the weapon shined under the white lights above them. With no hesitation, he pulled the trigger, releasing a bullet, which banged into the air.

Blake closed her eyes ready for the bullet to pierce her skin, but instead, it zipped its way into Ryan's body, impacting near his heart. A growing red circle bloomed on his shirt. Blake screamed at the top of her lungs, emotions shooting from within her. She dropped to her knees catching Ryan in her arms, cradling him like a small child.

Blake found it hard to breathe. It was like she was the one dying instead. "No, no, no!" She sobbed.

Ryan gripped Blake's hand, clenching his jaw in pain, clinging to life. "You can't leave me as everyone does. Please, Ryan. You are one of the only people I have left. I need you."

She cried, "I love you, Ryan. Please. Don't die." She was hysterical, snot, and spit running down her face. She was screaming, mumbled random gibberish. But she didn't care, Blake had loved the boy.

Ryan's eyes locked on Blake's, death swallowing him with every gurgling breath he took. He was determined though. He wanted these words to be spoken, even if they were his last. "Be strong...for. For the both of us."

His body froze, pupils growing big stilling his eyes open. "Ryan!" Blake screamed shaking with a sob, huffing air out of her lungs to get them to spill out.

He blinked once, then he whispered, his lips barely moving, "I love..."

Then a scream ranged around Blake's head like a blaring alarm. It wasn't from her memory though. It was from a girl. It was from Teresa. Blake sat up quickly, looking around for the cause of her scream. That's when she saw two dark figures pulling Teresa from her bunk.

Teresa screamed, gripping to the metal bars for dear life. It took Blake a second to register before she thumped to the ground and ran over, turning her hand into a fist, driving it into one of the man's ears. The action caused him to let go of Teresa. She fell quickly to the floor face first, letting out a groan.

Someone opened the door, releasing a blinding amount of light into the room. Blake squinted trying to make out the intruders. Were they lackeys of wicked trying to get them again? Were the boys okay? What were they going to do with them?

Three more people entered, one woman and two men. They all wore white clothes and blanked expressions. Blake was useless without a weapon. Two small girls are not going to be able to beat five grown adults. She backed petal, sucking in a gulp. Maybe she could make a run for it.

Teresa stood up, one hand gripping onto the metal pole for support, the other holding onto her nose which was gushing with red liquid. There was nothing they could do, Blake wasn't someone to cower, so she just ran forward, ramming her body into one of them. But she was quickly roped with the many arms. She tried to grab onto anything she could, but her hands only found air. Blake kicked and screamed until she felt a prickling needle in her neck.

Blake's body relaxed as the liquid entered her body. The room swayed, went fuzzy. Her eyes felt heavy, sinking closed. She was so tired. She heard herself thud to the ground, but felt nothing.

"Why aren't we taking her too?" She heard someone say, their words echoing.

"Chancellor said to leave her here."

She didn't understand what they meant, but it didn't matter because she fell into a drugged sleep.

Sorry, this took me so long to write and it was so tiny, but I wasn't sure how to leave it off so I just kept it at that. I hope you like Damaged so far, and if you haven't yet go read Griever Tamer! Stay tuned for more updates. Voting and commenting is appreciated, it helps me be motivated to write more! I'm really excited for the next chapter and you will see why.

Hehe, thank you so much for reading!



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