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8 years ago...

"That's good for him Liz, I really don't care besides, I'm loving New York and settling in fast."

"Of course you are." Liz snorted from the other end of the line.

"I am," I rolled my eyes, "let's talk later Liz, I'm late for a class."

"Okay, bye." The line went dead and I frowned. I'd lied to Liz but not about Brandon; him I was over. He was my highschool love until two months ago and that was okay. He got another girlfriend and that was okay too. 'Loving New York and settling in fast' was the lie. I had zero friends and tolerance for the crowds, noise and weather.

I hadn't lied to Liz about classes either. My NYU lecture schedule was crazy. On my way to my faculty building, I didn't expect to get nearly toppled over or have a mildy hot cup of coffee spilled all over me.

"Shit!" I cursed, trying to regain my balance.

"Shit, I'm sorry." The guy who nearly tripped me and bathed me with his coffee held out his two arms to stop me from falling.

"Great, you got coffee all over my shirt and books." I groaned as I stepped back to survey the damage.

"I'm so sorry, can I get you paper towels or something?" He asked and I looked up at him. His dark brown eyes seemed to hold a bit of amusement and I wasn't entirely sure if this was really a mistake. I glared at him and he apologised again.

"Whatever, it's fine. New York seems to be drilling me left, right and centre." I sighed.

"First year, first time in New York?" He asked and I nodded, "then it's nice to meet you, I'm William, Will for short." He smiled.

"I'm Ophelia."


"I'm fucked."

That was me. I wrung my fingers together and paced the front of the white double doors.

"So, so fucked." I repeated staring at the wall clock; five minutes to twelve noon it read. Friday had come but the furniture hadn't. Behind the doors, the office was clear of its former furniture and awaiting the new ones but my chosen furniture shop decided to screw me over with a flat tire and delayed goods.

Fridays were meant to be joyous and filled with anticipation for the coming weekend. They certainly weren't meant to be filled with worries of whether work was still valid on Monday or not.

My phone rang and I quickly answered it, "are you already here?"

"Yes but Mr Illston paused to talk to someone but we'll be up in a few."

"Thanks Heather," I said and cut the call then dailed the furniture shop driver again, "where are you?"

"I apologise for the inconvenience miss, we will be there in twenty minutes."

I ended the call and heaved loudly. Would I even still have this job in twenty minutes? William wouldn't be so vindictive would he? He definitely couldn't fire me over this, could he? Surfacely, I knew he would and could. About ten minutes passed before I heard footsteps. Rather than seeing both William and Heather, it was just the former.

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