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TONIGHT EVERYTHING FELT POSSIBLE. Mateo spun Gabriela around in the blue and silver flashes of the discolight, even the shadows glowing as their laughs intertwined. Chase had left his position at his makeshift DJ booth to someone else and had joined them, immediately pulling Bas in for a reluctant hug on his part. Amelia was right behind him, though she kept glancing at the door, like she was expecting someone to come in. Before he could think more of it she noticed his gaze and offered him a happy smile, throwing her arms around Chase's neck after.

"What's the deal with all these lovebirds here?"

He had dipped Gabriela right at that moment and the both of them were looking at the person who had spoken, a grin appearing on Mateo's face. Milo truly had grown on him and in a way Luca was starting to as well, despite how often he lost his temper. In a way he found it amusing, so it was fine. Smoothly he pulled Gabriela up again, back in his arms, before waving at the guys.

"Glad to see you two could make it," he said," are you enjoying the party?"

"I just arrived," Milo shrugged, before adding," but I already saw five people puke on my way here, so that promises much good already."

"Does it though?" Luca frowned.

Milo ignored him, glancing at Gabriela instead, looking almost shy. "Hey, I have an update by the way."

"About that girl you were talking about before?" she said.

"How did you know?" he blinked.

"It was obvious," she chuckled," but anyway, tell me. Did everything go well?"

"It did," he smiled," I followed your advice and just went for it. We're officially together now."

Mateo held out his hand and slapped it against Milo's. "Great, man. I'm happy for you."

"I'm happy for you too!" Chase shouted, hugging Amelia tightly as they swayed off-beat to an old pop song.

The sharp edges Milo had carried earlier had softened now and it was visible in the way the light spilled from his expression, like thinking of his girlfriend alone was enough to fill him with warmth. Luca beside him was another story, still looking as harsh as ever, but he seemed happy for Milo, in his own way.

"Hey," Bas said as he walked towards them, acknowledging the guys with an inclination of his head," I'm surprised to see you two came here together."

"We did very much not come here together," Milo replied immediately, emphasizing the word not with a shake of his head," I just had the misfortune of bumping into him in the hallway."

"Misfortune my ass," Luca scoffed," everyone here knows I'm a riot. You are the insufferable one here."

Milo's lips parted as he pointed at Luca in disbelief. "Are you actually delusional?"

"You annoy the fuck out of me, Nichols," Luca scowled.

"Anyway, let's get wasted," Milo said with a jerk of his head at the attempt of a makeshift bar on their left, which basically just consisted of some chairs pushed together and liquor bottles stacked on top.

"Yeah, sure," Luca said.

Before they both left Milo stopped in front of Bas, hand on his shoulder as he nodded at him. "I'm sad to hear you're going. I don't know you that well yet, but you actually seem quite fun."

"You seem petty," Bas replied.

Milo blinked and Mateo quickly came in between, translating it for him. "He means that as a compliment."

Kisses after midnight (WICKED #0) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now