Ch. 60 - Come and Get Me

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(5 months later)

I stood in my rustic office in my castle. Looking out the window I saw my army forming, training and preparing for the real war that was to come.

Behind them was the vast lands of where I was banished to. After my banishment, I wasted no time recruiting rogues to my cause and soon enough we created a castle and an army.

I was not going to let my banishment or rejection from her stop me from getting what I want. It was my birthright and it was stolen right from under me.

I would never ever trust another soul again. My sword glowed green, the light shining briefly in the darkroom and dying again.

He was trying to break free from being trapped in my blade. The door slammed open and someone stormed in.

"Dexter!" Chase's voice growled angrily. "The fetus is growing."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. How dare this child just barge in. This was month 4 of him being here and he was already pissing me off with his whining since day 1.

"Well, she's pregnant. What did you expect it to do?" I said unamused.

I already knew Roselyn was pregnant before she knew she was. When I captured her and explained my story I could smell her scent from Logan changing into someone else's that wasn't hers.

"She's carrying his child! She's mine. Not his!" He whined again probably stomping his foot like the child he is.

I rolled my eyes still facing away from the boy. I had no problem with my niece being pregnant. I was surprised that she was having Logan's baby so quick but her pregnancy only aided my plans.

"Well?" Chase asked pouting.

I turned to face the boy. "Well, what?"

He looked like a child, his physical appearance and attitude were of a selfish entitled brat.

He huffed in annoyance. "What are we going to do about it?"

Chase crossed his arms tapping his foot. I only brought him and that other scrawny kid on my plan to hurt my brother and my niece.

Charles would see that his army was betraying him and Rose would see her childhood friend so easily influenced by me.

Of course, I manipulated them into thinking that I wasn't after the throne.

I needed to feed their desire for revenge by promising them that I could deliver. In truth, I'm not. What I'm after something much bigger than the throne.

"We aren't going to do anything." I said calmly sitting down in my chair.

I picked up my green sword outlining the sharpened edges and rested it against my desk.

"You said that 4 months ago. Why aren't you doing anything?" Chase urged.

I rolled my eyes again leaning back in my chair. "She will give birth to the child."

Chase looked dumbfounded at me. Oh, how I wished I could kill him.

"No!" He complained but really yelled. "I will not let my mate carry another man's child."

This boy was delusional. Could he really not see that the moon goddess was not on his side for pairing him with my niece?

"I want to believe that you are still not stupid enough to deny the bond between her and Logan."

Fate only knows they always end up back on their paths together. Didn't need to put a spell on for that. Their bond was surprisingly invincible.

Chase took the chance to sit in the open chair. "Why aren't you afraid of the damage this fetus could do?"

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