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JO PEERED THROUGH the crack between the wall and her door. Her father clicked off his reading light and trudged up the steps to his room. Jo had the same feelings of anticipation that she did the very first night she snuck off into the woods for the very first Dead Poets Society meeting.

She waited a moment before carefully closing her door. She tip-toed down the stairs and carefully made her way to the back door, which was the furthest door from her parents' room.

Jo slipped out into the winter night. She scurried down the back alley to the next street and waited patiently for a boy in a car, hoping everything went to plan.

"Hey there, strange wanderer!" A voice came from her left. "Hop in."

Jo smiled and swung the door open to sit in the passenger seat. She noticed a saxophone stored in the back seat and grinned to herself.

"I'm surprised you actually managed to take the car," Jo laughed.

"Oh baby, you still underestimate my power." Charlie then began to drive at a terrifying speed down the road, laughing all the while.

Jo couldn't help but laugh with him. "Slow down you lunatic, you're gonna get us killed."

"Okay, okay fine. I just can't wait." They drove until they finally saw the misty figure of Welton. Good memories and bad flooded Jo's mind. They parked a little ways away in a secluded area as not to be spotted.

"Let's go!" He reached behind him and grabbed the saxophone before opening his door and running through the snow, childlike excitement in his voice. Jo opened her door and locked the car.

"Hold on, Jo, Grab the wine!" Charlie called, tossing her the keys.

"The wine?"

"Yes, the wine. Hurry up!"

Jo turned the key and opened the door. Low and behold, in a black bag was a high-end bottle of wine that she was sure he stole from his father as well as a few glasses wrapped in paper. Ho took it, then locked the doors again. She ran up to Charlie and tried to match his speed as pillowy snow filled her shoes. She didn't even care about the twigs that were getting caught in her hair and sleeves as they tore through the forest. A familiar light was coming from the cave.

"Wanna scare them?" Charlie asked.

"Go ahead," Jo laughed.

She stood behind as Charlie ran and jumped into the cave, yelling like a madman.

She was sure she heard a scream, and she were sure it was Meeks. Jo followed right after Charlie. Everyone was sitting around a small fire in the middle of the cave, staring at her and Charlie with their beautiful smiles. Once she saw everyone's faces she immediately felt like crying. It had been only days, but it felt like years. She saw the god of the cave that Neil had brought, standing in the corner. Todd stood up and stepped towards her with a smile, his eyes were a mix of emotions, but predominantly sad.

SHE WALKS IN BEAUTY, charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now