Chapter 16.

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"Hey honey," My mom says gently. She approaches me in a way I would expect someone to if they were going to tell me someone died. I think back to the last time I saw my grandparents. Each of them were healthy and happy the last I had heard. "I need to talk to you," She sits down beside me on the couch where I was watching The Office.

"What's up?"

She smiles, "You remember Sam?"

"The guy that was here this morning?" I ask, though I already know that's the guy she was talking about.

"Yeah," She says softly. "Here's the thing. I like him." She stops and waits for me to say something but I am only listening. Of course she likes him. He's nice, he's charming, and he sure as hell isn't you, dad. "And he likes me too." And of course he likes her. Why else would he be at her house at 6:30 in the morning?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. My mother is beautiful. I don't blame him for liking her. Especially now, now that she's not a walking corpse all the time. The light that used to be a part of her is coming back, and Sam would be a complete idiot not to like her.

"That's great, mom." I tell her.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm happy for you. He seems like a good guy." I tell her.

She smiles and it immediately looks like a huge amount of weight has been lifted off her shoulders. "Thanks honey." She says. "I was going to ask if it was okay if I went out with him tonight?"

It's a Friday night, and mom and I have just started a tradition where we watch Star Wars together every Friday night. But I answer, "Of course. I was actually hoping I could hangout with my..." I hesitate, "friend Rivers?"

She gives me a look, "I haven't heard about Rivers before. Is he nice?"

I try not to blush when I answer, "He's amazing."

"That's great. Have fun tonight." She disappears into her room to get ready and I'm stuck on the couch staring at my phone, waiting for Rivers to text me.

When the ding finally came, I had fallen asleep. I jump up and bring the phone to my face to read the message. It says, "I'm here."

I jump off the couch and run to the bathroom, looking at my completely average self, and wondering how Rivers could be even slightly interested in me. With my dark black hair, green eyes and pale skin, I am the definition of every other teenage boy. But Rivers? He's so much more than that.

I comb my hair and grab a jacket. As I walk out the door I call to my mom, "I'm leaving! Have fun tonight. Love you."

Rivers is waiting in his light blue ford truck with the windows down and some band playing a song I have never heard before. I hop in the passenger seat. He starts the car and leaves my complex.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He smirks.

We drive through the city, passing all the places that used to bring me bad memories. But riding in the car with Rivers, all of those memories vanish. All I can think about is sitting in this car with Rivers, and the fact that his hand is stroking mine.

I blush and look over at him, but he keeps his eyes on the road. "So, you ever kissed a boy before?" He asks.

He says it so casually, as if asking if I liked rice krispy treats. I stutter when I answer, "Uh... no."

Rivers laughs. "What exactly have you done?"

My thoughts go back to the eighth grade, back when Reid was a horny 16 year old, and I was just a little 13 year old. Reid had taken control of my instincts at a party (believe it or not, I used to go to those), and I had kissed a girl named Betty Robinson.  

"Well I've only ever kissed one girl... and it was a peck... and it was in 8th grade." I answered him. I wish I had lied and told him I got with lots of girls, but then again, who would ever believe that? I mean, look at me!

Rivers laughs, "Jesus, Elijah." He grabs my hand in his, sending volts of electricity up my arm and throughout my entire body. "Where do I even begin with you?"

I smile, mostly because having his hand in mine is intoxicating.

Rivers merge onto the state highway and drive down the beeline. "Okay, seriously. Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"Do you really want me to ruin the surprise?" He asks.

I shrug, "Hey, as long as I'm home by midnight, you can take me anywhere."

"That's what I want to hear!" He speeds the car up and the two of us drive with the sunset behind us. It was a perfect moment, one that I doubt I will ever forget. The simplicity of his hand holding onto mine, and the rush of excitement that it brought to me was unbelievable. He pulls off the highway and onto a small dirt road. The road travels up a mountain and then back down it. We finally reach a small lake, and he pulls the car to the side of it.

"Ta da!" He says, motioning to the beauty that surrounds us.

"Wow..." was all I could say. With the sunset peeking behind the mountains and reflecting on the water, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Now, I've lived in Arizona my whole life. I was used to the beautiful sunsets and the mountains. But sitting with Rivers, it all somehow seemed so much more beautiful.

Rivers turns to me. "When you come to New York with me, I'm gonna show you my favorite places there. But this spot right here is my favorite place in Arizona." He smiles, looking out the window at the view. "So, wanna go for a swim?"

"Are you kidding? It's the middle of December." I gawk.

"Arizona winters are pathetic. Besides, you get used to the cold water."

Four minutes later, I'm standing at the edge of the water, removing my shirt. "I can't believe I'm letting you talk me into this." I say.

Rivers laughs, and takes off his shirt. I stare at his chest, finding it hard to believe that someone could possibly be this perfect. I look down at my own torso, finding no abs or muscles whatsoever. I suddenly feel so insignificant.

Rivers grabs my hand. "We jump in together. Same time." He looks at me and then the water. "One,"

"Two," I say.

"Three!" The two of us leap off the wooden dock and into the freezing cold water.

At some point in the jump, our hands disconnected. I break through the surface, gasping for air. Something about cold water makes it seem impossible to breathe.

Rivers is beside me, placing his hand on my waist. "See, it's not so bad." He says.

I look at him, at his perfect fucking face, and I find my breath. "Not at all." I manage to say.

Not at all.

ManicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora