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مرشد میں جل رہاہوں ہوائیں نہ دیجئےمرشد اذالہ کیجئےدعائیں نہ دیجئے۔

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.مرشد میں جل رہاہوں ہوائیں نہ دیجئے
مرشد اذالہ کیجئےدعائیں نہ دیجئے۔

(Murshid mein jul raha hun hawayein nah dijyen

Murshid azala kijyen duayen nah dijyen)


Early in the morning the artistic golden sun got up like a baby and started painting the dark black sky into a bright blue sky. The bright looking milky clouds woke up from sleep and started traveling around the sky. Fresh, cool, and crispy air was whistling like an invisible ghost.

"Assalam u alikum Dada Jan", Faryal sai and forwarded a cup of tea to him.

"Walikum Assalam!", Dada Jan looked at her astoundingly.

"You are up early!", He said with a delighted tone and took the cup from her hand.

"Yup! I'm kind of a morning person, couldn't sleep after fajr. I was coming downstairs for a morning walk but after seeing you from the distance I decided why not we should start our friendship with a cup of tea. My baba say I make amazing tea.", She replied with a blooming smile.

Dada jan took a sip of tea and looked at her carefully, she was anticipating a reply.

"Ahan..the tea is fantastic, prompting this old man to accept your proposition", Dada Jan said lovingly, tapping his index finger on his chin pretending to think.

She stretched her hand forward for a handshake and said "then friends?".

"Friends", he replied with a heartfelt smile and joined her hand for a friendly handshake.

Both of them sat together, Faryal told him about her Baba Jan, Agha Jan and Amma Jan, her studies, etc whereas Dada Jan also told her about his life experiences and stories.

"Ahmed (Zohaib's father) was managing business with me at first, but after a few years, he decided that he wants to build something on his own. He started a new business and succeeded in it Alhumdullilah and later moved to Islamabad."

"When Zohaib was born he brought life to this haveli. Although he was our second grandchild, he was always a quick learner, a lively and naughty kid, you won't believe despite being younger than Uzair he started talking and walking first", Dada Jan added. His lips were stretched into a smile.

"He was born here?", Faryal asked.

"Yes. He was two years old when they shifted to Islamabad. I still remember a tiny Zohaib running behind me, calling me Dada Jan, Dada Jan with his little mouth". He replied with a glint of pride in his eyes.

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