3: Back

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how to disagree and still not lose you. 


"to Busan!"

Taehyung said in a low voice, almost in an inaudible way make Jungkook turn around totally to look at the latter. "come again!?" he said and Taehyung looked at him.

"Busan!" Taehyung again mentioned this time louder, almost making it echo in car.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung like he is talking in some other language but soon a genuine smile took his lips in a curve. He chucked and said "nice one... you got some humor, but really, where do you want me to drop you?"

To be honest the reaction offended Taehyung but he didn't expect much "I'm not joking! I want you to drive me Busan!"

"you crazy?!" Jungkook let out a yelp, making it echo in the closed vehicle. It was obvious for Jungkook to feel like he was just hit by a truck. First, he was not an official driver, and second, he was no way driving to Busan some 330 km away, 6 hours drive if you don't take any break and drive at a high speed.

"mind your language mister!" Taehyung said, looking away and staring out of the window to avoid eye contact with jungkook. 

"you serious? You were the one swearing at me some minutes ago and now you are asking me to mind my language? Do you even know what you said?" Jungkook spat.

"I very well know! You made me lose my flight! Now you will drop me at Busan! I don't know anything" Taehyung said as he started to lean in again to make his words more effective and unquestionable.

Jungkook gulped again "b-but its too far!"

"you. Made. Me. Lose my flight. So, you. Take. Me. To. Busan." Taehyung made it clear and leaned back to his seat to sit comfortably.

Jungkook sighed in his place, looking out of the windshield he shook his head. No way he was agreeing on going to Busan, it's not a place he wanted to go back, not now, not this early. He needed to earn money, learn things, and then be back at his native place. The promises he made to himself could be in danger if he went to Busan and maybe he would never be able to come back from that place if someone known found him, still naïve.

Just if it was some different place. He would have driven Taehyung from Seoul to where ever he asked if it was any other than Busan as he knew he was at a big fault, but he shouldn't risk, right?

Taehyung needed to go to Busan, if he didn't go now, he may lose the only chance he had to make things like before. The only way he can make things right is in Busan. A place that is only connected to him for only one reason. He needed to be there before his reason disconnects him forever.

Jungkook sat in some silence for a minute before he sighed and started the car. The engine roared and Taehyung's face lit up. A smile made up his lips and he looked at Jungkook, irritated, angry eyes from the rear mirror.

Jungkook was still determined on his words. And so he was driving back to Taehyung's house. It was soon when Taehyung realized that the entrance to the highway was left behind and buildings started to look familiar.

"where are you taking me?!" Taehyung asked, he sat straight and asked Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't reply and kept driving as he knew that he was less than a kilometer away from the house.

"hey stop the car! This is not the way I want to go!" Taehyung pulled Jungkook's arm and sat at the edge of the back seat. "I said stop the car" and Jungkook did. He pulled the breaks which made Taehyung fall in front a bit. He steadied himself and looked out. It was the gate to his home.

"We are where you should get back," Jungkook said in a low tone. He didn't want to sound rude.

"I'm not going anywhere but Busan, and you will take me!" Taehyung said and sat back at the seat like a king owning this car.

"Why do you even want to go to Busan?" Jungkook asked.

"non of your business! You just have to take me Busan! And knowing driving and directions is enough for it!" Taehyung argued.

"I don't know the directions" Jungkook lied.

"I'll lead you. Or google will! Just start fucking driving!"

"mister I cant! I have work tomorrow! I can't let my salary get cut" Jungkook came across a great excuse which made Taehyung shut his mouth. Jungkook tried not to smile when he saw Taehyung sighing and unlocking the door.

Taehyung stepped out and went around the car. Jungkook saw him going around where the gate of his house held but he caught something on the seat.

"m-mister you left your bag!" Jungkook said and tried to reach the bag at the back seat. It was when he realized that Taehyung just opened the gate of the passenger seat beside him and sat.

"I don't forget my things" Taehyung mumbled. Jungkook looked at him frozen and confuse before he whined and rested his head at the starring wheel, practically facepalming with the wheel or can we say it face wheeling? Idk.

"stop whining, kid. Listen here. the amount of salary will get cut because of me, I'll pay for it. Plus extra. What do you say?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook beside him.

Jungkook's head was still on the wheel but now it was more tilted to see Taehyung. His lips got in an 'o' as he thought about the offer. There is no way he will get his pay cut from his work. But if it's about making a bit more money on the side. He would not hesitate, although he needed to have his savings get a boost.

Jungkook stayed silent for a bit he looked out to see that it was already dark. He sighed and looked at Taehyung.

"have you seat belt mister; It goanna be a long drive"


I just noticed... no one is reading this, lol  

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