Chapter 13

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News of their great general Feng Xujin marrying Minister Li daughter Li Wei Wei cause a great commotion. It has also spread outside of the country.

All the young lady cry and even throw a tantrum especially Jiang Liyao. She has been living inside the Prime Minister manor after receiving the news.

She didn't have the face to meet everyone. She couldn't believe the emperor would choose that worthless girl for the general.

The amount of betrothal gifts that the General Feng manor sent to Minister Li manor also cause an uproar. They couldn't imagine how rich the general is.

While Minister Li's family felt a bit burden by that. It was a bit extravagant. When they want to send it back, Zhao Mama said the general insisted.

Even the emperor has rewarded the Li's family. The emperor has seen Feng Xujin as his own son.


Wedding day

Days passed by speedily. It was finally the wedding day. Li's family has been so busy for the past month. They prepared the best for their one and only daughter.

While Li Wei Wei couldn't believe she's getting marry at a young age. But in this era, it is considered as an marriageable age. She was so nervous about the future.

Her mother has been teaching her on how to take care of her husband before. But Li Wei Wei still felt so awkward.

Under the red bridal veil was a beautiful angelic face with slightly nervous across her face.

Li Wei Wei could hear the jubilant sounds of celebration around her. Someone was playing the suona and beating the drums.

Suddenly someone barged in,

"Wei Er it is already the auspicious hours. Let's go." Her mother carefully guide her.

Everyone was wondering who will escort the bride.

Suddenly an announcement can be heard,

"The bridegroom has come to escort the bride. Give some way for them." Horses galloping can be heard.

They instantly stop in front of the Li's manor. Then the bridal nanny proceed on helping the bride to sit in the carriage.

The interior of the sedan chair was so big. It was well designed. Li Wei Wei do feel happy on her wedding day but she is extremely worried about the wedding night.

"Head to the wedding hall."

After a while, they finally arrived. Feng Xujin fetch Li Wei Wei from the carriage by kicking the sedan. After that, they immediately getting ready to start the ceremony.

Feng Xujin as usual in his glorious looks. The only differences was the red robe fit right to his body. While Li Wei Wei look very heavenly stunning.

The wedding music has started, but the noise of the crowd is too loud.

During the ceremony, the bride and groom stand at the family altar then they pay homage to heaven and earth, the family ancestors.

"Bow to each other. And then you can proceed to the chamber for next custom."

Li Wei Wei couldn't see anything but she quickly bow towards Feng Xujin. Feng Xujin only look at her with an intense look.

In the chamber, Li Wei Wei keep on fiddling her hands waiting for the general to swipe her bridal veil.

'What did he look like today? He must be very unhappy to marry me as he is forced by the decreed.' She sighed.

Her thoughts suddenly shook off by the announcement of the groom arrival. She finally realized it is the wedding night.

But she is not ready to sleep with him. They didn't even know each other well.

'Yes I might know him very well as I have read all about him. But he don't know me.' She deeply thought.

Feng Xujin took the traditional stick on his right then proceed to swiftly open the bridal veil.

Finally the angelic face can be seen. Li Wei Wei can only smile a bit when she saw his face in front of her.

She awkwardly said,

"Emm general let's exchange the wine cup on the table?"

"We will just skip it and straight go to sleep." Feng Xujin casually said.

Li Wei Wei eyes instantly widen at his words. She's becoming more afraid. Feng Xujin was amused by her expression.

He knows she is not ready to consummate their marriage. Feng Xujin's has a great self control so he eventually won't force her.

"I.. I will change my clothes first." She carefully take off all the accessories on her head.

'It is okay Li Wei Wei. Just close your eyes and let the general just get it over."

She tried to calm herself down. Even in the modern world, she has never date anyone. So she has been virgin since forever.

She quickly snapped out of her wits. Turn around, she saw Feng Xujin already lay down on the bed. Li Wei Wei slowly walk towards him.

Laying down carefully on the bed as she is afraid disturbing him. Li Wei Wei then shut her eyes tightly waiting for the general to ravish her.

All of a sudden, a bulky hands put on the blanket around her. Li Wei Wei felt weird so she look at Feng Xujin.


"Don't call me that. You are my wife. Just call me anything but not that." He said with his eyes closed.

Li Wei Wei think of a few nickname as she don't want to call him husband.

"Then I will call you Jin Jin. Is it okay?"

He cringe at the nickname as no one has ever call him with such affection. Nonetheless, he accept it as long as she didn't call him general.

"Jin Jin, errr you don't want to consummate our marriage?" She asked nervously looking at his handsome face.

"You are not ready for it." This line made her so emotional that she chokes up.

Smiling at him mumbling a small thank you, she then sleep comfortably. Feeling so thankful that she is blessed with a gentleman husband.



Marriage is a must when it comes to historical story or drama!

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