Carpathia Lo. All ashore that’s going ashore! Did you catch the latest chapters of “Peerless”? Now is the time. I appreciate all your support on any of my stories. Thank you all for the follows. Steam on and good cheer!


Tell all that will listen of war, civil war. Tell of monarchs who will be murdered and girls who will be queens...
          Protecting her family is Victoria Parker's promise, but this unravels in the wake of political disaster. War sweeps the country and the states increase in power. When the odds seem stacked against her, Tori meets Soren Usher who is so impressed with her handwriting he offers her employment in the house of Mansa Augustus, Florida's reigning dynast.
          Tori and Soren bond over their passion for the people and desire to rescue their state from civil war. Those born in the purple are the most wary. The ecosystem of an imperial family is fragile. However, here something sinister is at work. The world of blue bloods and nobles is no stranger to devious deeds and this country girl must become clever enough to traverse the gilded halls of deceit or become a pawn in the game of war.