
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
          	It's absolutely thrilling that so many new readers have been enjoying 'The Highlander's Thief' these last few weeks. While I haven't responded to all your comments, I've absolutely read every single one and I've loved all you have to say about Calum and his beautiful knees!
          	'The Highlander's Thief' is now free to download as a PDF on my new website, for those of you who want to save it onto your device.
          	Finally, I just wanted to let you all know that my Regency romance 'The Unworthy Duke' (coming Feb 4 2021) now has a cover, a blurb and even a teaser online.
          	This link will take you to the Harper Collins website where you can get heaps of info about my upcoming release. I'm super duper excited to share this book with you. It's been my dream to have a book professionally published, and I can't believe it's almost time!!
          	If you do read 'The Unworthy Duke', please please please share a review online. All reviews and comments enormously.
          	And if you're on twitter, you can find me at @CharlotteABooks
          	All my love,
          	Charlotte Anne




Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
          It's absolutely thrilling that so many new readers have been enjoying 'The Highlander's Thief' these last few weeks. While I haven't responded to all your comments, I've absolutely read every single one and I've loved all you have to say about Calum and his beautiful knees!
          'The Highlander's Thief' is now free to download as a PDF on my new website, for those of you who want to save it onto your device.
          Finally, I just wanted to let you all know that my Regency romance 'The Unworthy Duke' (coming Feb 4 2021) now has a cover, a blurb and even a teaser online.
          This link will take you to the Harper Collins website where you can get heaps of info about my upcoming release. I'm super duper excited to share this book with you. It's been my dream to have a book professionally published, and I can't believe it's almost time!!

          If you do read 'The Unworthy Duke', please please please share a review online. All reviews and comments enormously.
          And if you're on twitter, you can find me at @CharlotteABooks
          All my love,
          Charlotte Anne


          Thank you so much for reading, reviewing and commenting on my Wattpad novel ‘The Highlander’s Thief’. 
          I have some super exciting news: my latest Regency romance novel is actually going to be published by Escape, Harlequin!! I’ve just signed the contract. The release date will be announced very soon (hopefully the end of this year or early next) as well as all the other important details—title, cover, blurb. I can’t wait to share this journey with you. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter if you’d like more info. @CharlotteABooks
          Sincerely (and very happy)
          Charlotte Anne


@GigiLaurent Thank you. Still can’t believe it’s happening!


@CharlotteAnneRomance I absolutely loved that book and congratulations on such a great accomplishment!


Thank you to everyone who read and reviewed 'The Highlander's Thief'. I've finally finally uploaded a new story to Wattpad, and I'm really hoping you'll enjoy this read just as much.
          Called 'Shadow Chaser', this story is for lovers of romance and the paranormal. Set in modern-day Australia, it features a very determined dingo shifter and her bear soulmate:
          Malia knows in her soul that Jakov is her forever mate. Jakov isn't so sure. He's a loner bear shifter and he's been betrayed by pack before. But Malia is a dingo alpha in the making and determined to do whatever it takes to win the trust of Jakov's bear and the love of the man. Can he learn to let go of his past and accept the call of his mate?
          'Shadow Chaser' is a short erotic read at just under 5,000 words.


You've made me nervous now! If you read Shadow Chaser, I'd love to hear what you think of it.


@CharlotteAnneRomance highlanders thief is a charm hope shadow chaser can do your writing justice 


I loved “the highlander’s thief “ so much,, really well thought of and neatly written, thank u so much ❤️


@soha1988  Thank you so much for your message. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I'm very very pleased you enjoyed reading my book.


Just finished reading The Highlander's Thief. One of the best books written on wattpad. :)


@kruti_m Thank you. Your kind comment has made my day.