
Who misses Marchosias? 
          	Shall we try writing a new chapter of 'The Mate Inside Me'? 


Plsssss plss do, I miss him so much


@CherryBerry63 ohh yesss please please yessssssss


@CherryBerry63 Oh Yes definitely!!!


Hi you amazing soul. I absolutely love your writing and always look forward to your work. Keep shining and growing. Your books are so close to my heart and i have read it over 10 times already. Please don’t stop writing and take care of yourself though, hope you get through it all❤️


Who misses Marchosias? 
          Shall we try writing a new chapter of 'The Mate Inside Me'? 


Plsssss plss do, I miss him so much


@CherryBerry63 ohh yesss please please yessssssss


@CherryBerry63 Oh Yes definitely!!!


My lovely readers,
          Thank you so much for all the kind words you wrote to me. It's all because of you guys that I was able to sit, rewrite and post a chapter of this new story I wish to create. 
          It's a Mafia Romance named "Sir". First chapter is up. Do share your thoughts with me when you get to read it.
          I love you all.


Yes! I added it to my list! Cannot wait to binge read it! 


I am your silent reader since the day you wrote your stories here in are genius, great and a wonderful are my favorite writer because you brought us, your readers, in a new dimension whenever we were reading your stories...thank you for continuing writing stories...thank you for continuing you! Stay safe


@Einamarsh I don't know what to say to you, my dear reader. 
            You're treating me so kindly. I don't deserve this much praise, but I'll try my best to work harder and become worthy of it.
            Thank you so much for being here and supporting me.
            I love you, too, my lovely reader ❤️


So I've been meaning to ask you, have you considered traditionally publishing Stone Cold? The story is an absolute delight and you've worked so hard on it, I genuinely feel upset when I realise how many people are actually missing out on this gem 


@CherryBerry63 well do consider ❤️ I'd love it more than anything to have it as a physical copy


Exciting news guys!
          The new “CORAL AWARDS 2024” is out now guys. It has a lot of unique awards and gives opportunities for the budding authors to bloom like a morning sunflower. 
          I have 11 categories and all genres are accepted. Only 4 slots is available for each category. And you can only submit up to 3 books!
          It’s my first Awards Event book guys. Hurry up and submit your books.


this message may be offensive
My lovely readers, 
          I'm late. I know.
          I've failed to keep my promise to you guys time and time again. I keep telling you all that I'd become a better author, that I'd try updating regularly but no matter how hard I try to maintain a routine, all of it eventually comes crashing down.
          I'm to be blamed for that. I'm aware of it.
          I'm sorry. I'm terribly sorry.
          Whenever I'm unable to write something readable, I stare at the blank screen of my laptop thinking, "I'm going to lose my readers. I'm going to lose my safe place."
          But every time I gather the courage to reach back, I find you guys waiting for me at the same place where we had last met each other. You believe in me in the moments I fail to even meet my own eyes.
          Trust me when I say you're all my haven. I mean it.
          I read a message on my board genuinely concerned over my tendency to disappear every few months.
          If anyone deserves an explanation for me; it's you guys, my loyal readers.
          If you were here around 2019/2020, you'd know that I've been battling depression for some time. Things had gotten a bit better after 2021 and dare I say.. I was happy for those next few years until shit happened, and now I'm at a point where I keep questioning my existence. 
          I love writing. I love creating an escape world for all of us, but for some time I'd been unable to find joy in anything at all. Things had been awful, they still are.. but I've gotten a bit better at enduring it.
          I'm going to start writing again. Hopefully I'd be able to post a new chapter for you all soon.
          In fact I already have the first chapter of a Mafia Romance that I wrote some time ago. I wish to upload that so that you guys can enjoy it while I write the next chapter of The Mate Inside Me.
          I can never appreciate you all enough for staying by my side and supporting me. You guys hold my broken pieces together. 
          I love you all.


Your stories are full of emotions and gives movie like experience.. I love 'em and love you back. 


@Hailnaph PS. A tip for whenever you're feeling down ? Talk to us if u feel like it. Or read these msgs. They might help to some extent ❤️


As much as I'll appreciate an update and a new book, I would prefer you get better MUCH much more. We will always wait for you no matter how long you need a break and we'll love your work whenever you present it to us. I'm a bit offended that the person who created such spectacular works is questioning her existence ? What do you mean ??? Like just about anybody could write such masterpieces??? You are underestimating yourself way too much it's actually offensive. You are loved and you are cherished and I am so SO glad that I was born on the same timeline as you. Your very existence is a gift that all of us cherish and don't you dare undermine its value. Sending lots of love your way. Take your time babe. Heal. Grow. We'll be here waiting whenever you are ready. Don't force yourself ❤️