
To all those waiting for me to update books-I’m sorry but I’ve hit a funk-for now, and have not been feeling good. As well as busy. Life as an adult gets in the way. But hopefully I’ll figure out what’s wrong with me, and get less busy. So wish me luck lol 
          	Thank you for reading-and thank you for sticking around. 


Good Luck and stay healthy! :D


I'm just whated to say this,
           HeadCannon for your Percy Jackson as Harry Potter's dad books:
          Poseidon officially considers Harry his grandson and considers him his favorite I've not read all of them but in the ones that Annabelle is with Percy Athena only gets along with Poseidon because she likes Harry and considers him her favorite grandson as well and so they both have a temporary truce and will gang up on anyone who tries to insult their little grandson


Curious, do you ever think of writing about the third mummy movie with lotus? Because with Imhotep still alive I think it would make an interesting story.(also luv your books!☺️)


Actually-I’m rewriting the mummy books, they’ve been on pause but I have been rewriting them slowly, the third has already been started as well! Thank you for loving my books, I’m glad you do and hopefully I’ll have new ones up soon!