
Yo! So I meant to announce this a while ago, but The Manager is getting a reboot/rewrite over on @Noodle_Pack. Me, @MorningBlankets, and @OTheFool came together and got to work and the first chapter is ready. It should be posted at like 8AM PST.
          	If you liked The Manager or just K/DA you should totally go and check it out. And maybe check out some of the other stories we got over there.
          	Also maybe check out @Necessary_Chaos and @Mikelxrose for the hell of it. They're cool. Chaos is actually a highly rated deity. You guys should spam his announcement board with something stupid like "The Frogs Will Rise" or something.
          	Anyway, yeah.
          	Til next time, stay safe.
          	And remember....
          	You matter.


Completely unrelated but are done that spider man story that takes place in the future 


did you write an atla, as well as an lok series? im trying to find a specific story but i dont remember who wrote it :( i’ve been following you for a while and love a lot of your stuff which is giving me this itching suspicion it Was you but i could be wrong 


author the Monster series [Marvel.] where MC has "Stan Lee" or Creator as Caretaker, is it finished? I got hooked on book 1 and I haven't finished it yet and I know there is a book 2 but I don't want to upload more because I don't want to spoil myself since you have many books called Monster.


Yo! So I meant to announce this a while ago, but The Manager is getting a reboot/rewrite over on @Noodle_Pack. Me, @MorningBlankets, and @OTheFool came together and got to work and the first chapter is ready. It should be posted at like 8AM PST.
          If you liked The Manager or just K/DA you should totally go and check it out. And maybe check out some of the other stories we got over there.
          Also maybe check out @Necessary_Chaos and @Mikelxrose for the hell of it. They're cool. Chaos is actually a highly rated deity. You guys should spam his announcement board with something stupid like "The Frogs Will Rise" or something.
          Anyway, yeah.
          Til next time, stay safe.
          And remember....
          You matter.


Completely unrelated but are done that spider man story that takes place in the future 


Would you like to join the Anti-cliffhanger Alliance? Someone i need to defeat is following you, so I believe you joining us will give us the upper hand.


@Red_X_V23 Cool. Cause my wife said I can only be a part of three cults and I'm saving my third one for something neat
जवाब दें


@IvanBullock oddly enough I feel like I've gotten that reply already. Seems to be a lot of cults on wattpad. 
            Also, thing's have changed since I've asked this
जवाब दें


@Red_X_V23 Look, mate, I'm already a part of a cult and I ain't really looking to join any more
जवाब दें


Yo! I get a lot of questions about how I write things. You want to know? Go to @Noodle_Pack and read the journal. There you'll get to see how three dumbasses plan stories.
          Like the stuff we listen to when we're writing, ideas that don't quite make the cut, maybe some ideas that do, maybe some images a d fun facts about the stories we're writing over there.
          Go check it out.


          And now to advertise my friends.
          @Morning_Blankets has a bunch of cool stories and she is in the process of making a nice series with Ever After High and Monster High. Honestly, not what I was expecting when i saw those names, but it's a pretty good read. And her other stories are also pretty great.
          @Nesscesary_Chaos just dropped a three chapter book based on Street Fights with Juri being the main focus, and it's amazing. He may be known as the "misery guy" as some of you have to calling him in my messages, but he knows how to write fun stuff sometimes. He brings personality to his stories that is hard to find these days.
          @Miklexrose has come a long way since I first met him like two and a half years ago (oh my God I feel old) and his stories prove that. He has a nice and chill Slime Rancher story that is just a joy to read to get away from all the edgy slock that this app can have, and his Hero Complex story is a nice and refreshing superhero story.
          And finally @OTheFool is the only one here that doesn't do Male Reader stories. If you want to read just a nice old fashion fan-fic or maybe something original, go check him out. Personally I'm enjoying his Powerpuff Girls story and he took up my Thieves of Cards story, so that's peachy.
          And, yeah. That's all I really needed to say.
          So til next time;
          Stay safe. And remember....
          You matter.
          Join the discord!


@IvanBullock Shucks Mr. Bat! Thank you very much!
जवाब दें