
Hello Lovelies! I just wanted to let you guys know for those who are worried. Let’s just say I lost some inspiration for this story. I’m still writing it and have a couple updates up my sleeve but it’s just not hitting the way I want and I don’t want to rush it just to end it. With my current mindset that’s what I’ll end up doing and I want to finish the series the way it deserves. 
          	I also have another story on my mind that I’ve been dying to write for months now. There is a chance I might take a break and write new story with new characters and let Shameless sit for awhile till I can find the right direction and inspiration. But idk it’s hard to start something new when I badly want to finish this series. 
          	 I might update this weekend since I do have a couple maybe you guys will inspire me as you have in the previous books. 
          	Stay safe and well. ❤️


@IzzyJFitz I know I'm only just now reading the first but I do hope you finish and I believe it will be fantastic. Stay well!


To everyone complaining about and whining to her about finishing Shameless, 
          STOP. It's not motivational. She will finish the book when she finishes the book. If you want to show your support, go buy Nameless on the kindle store or in paperback! Read this fully edited and published version and leave a review :)
          her unofficial manager