
Hey, y'all (not sure who all sees these, but hi!):
          	I've made the decision, after much internal wrestling, to launch my stories on Kindle Vella. I'm in dire financial straits this year and need all the pennies I can make. I will be leaving the first three chapters up for free on Wattpad, since they're also free on Vella. 
          	If you're on Kindle Vella, too, and you've liked my work, PLEASE consider sharing my stories and giving them faves/comments/crowns so that more people can read them! <3


Hey, y'all (not sure who all sees these, but hi!):
          I've made the decision, after much internal wrestling, to launch my stories on Kindle Vella. I'm in dire financial straits this year and need all the pennies I can make. I will be leaving the first three chapters up for free on Wattpad, since they're also free on Vella. 
          If you're on Kindle Vella, too, and you've liked my work, PLEASE consider sharing my stories and giving them faves/comments/crowns so that more people can read them! <3


I know I don't use my Wattpad feed much, but I'm trying to be better about that. :) I hope you all are enjoying my stories! (Yes, for those of you PMing me, I promise I'll get back to Out of Time! I already have the ending chapter for that book written and sitting in the metaphorical drawer, I just have to patch the road in between!)
          Meanwhile, PLEASE enjoy London Love Song (it's gonna be steamy, though, so younger readers should steer clear once the NSFW flags pop up)!


Hi. I love you. Thx for ordering pizza <3


            That's what Nate smells like/jk lmfao


@demonix-overlord Hi. I love you too. Your room smells like several dead things. <3