

Hi! Hope you have had a wonderful evening/morning, I was wondering if you could spare the time to support an extremely underated writer called fay willows? She is making a rewrite of her book that comes in May 7th and I would really appreciate if you could go and follow (if you want), comment, like, share and add the book to any of your reading lists! 
          Here's the link!


Happy Tuesday, everyone!!  I just realized I forgot to announce the latest chapter update, but here it is!  Get ready for more edge-of-your-seat excitement as Kayla finally meets with Monique for the Crime Ladies Podcast interview... ️ Chapter 19 is now live and ready for you to dive into! Enjoy the read!  


@600plaq Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the read.


✨HaPpY FrIdAy✨
          Kennedy warns Kayla about the dangers of going to South Lake, where the Crimson Lake Killer disposed of his last two victims. Despite the warning, Kayla decides to keep her promise to her sorority sister Patricia and agrees to meet Monique, one half of the Crime Ladies Podcast, at midnight. 
          Although Kayla is inwardly frightened, her fear quickly dissipates when her crush, Steve, accompanies her. However, upon arrival at South Lake, they find it enveloped in darkness and gloom, with Monique nowhere to be found. Suddenly, a loud bang reverberates through the air, startling them and Kayla lets out a piercing scream! 
          Check it all out in CHAPTER 18!!