
How may there be so many coincidences in this world but not in a parallel world?


Aww, I just got to know the term "Catfish" ; the real meaning behind this term and ;-; 
          I found out I was catfished for so many times online uwa ~
          Idk who were those ppl but were like hahahaha, I know this person, this is your friend blah blah blah blah~~
          Then I rethought that thingy, heh! Ik so many people to be my mutuals and others mutuals and they may have randomly said things like this but that wasn't catfishing. So how would I know if the thing I'm going through is really catfishing or a real person? Yk there's some ppl who are like, I'm pretty much an introvert ~ so they don't use any social media or even if they do there's no photos or sometimes friends of them  there on account  or they deactivate so frequently huh_ so weird !


@LanlanFenghuang @Aantuuu seems like a catfisher tbh. Be my wwx saaria bro. I'll be ur lwj


@JeehadAhmed egula tmra tmdr message board e giye koro :') 
            Ekhane na :') 
            Ghumai tata


Why do u write Bengali stories now? 


@KoitaChen I do not write much these years ... I can't actually bcz of many things. So, I write whatever comes to my mind suddenly... As of English... I don't want to post before I have a completed draft of anything. But all the things that I wrote are halfway and I really forgot the plot xD