
I never post or truly comment on much of anything but I just HAD to come and tell you that Save Me From Myself COMPLETELY changed my appreciation for reader based stories (that I usually despise) and had me glued to my bed rereading it for the past 3 hours. You have 100% inspired me to get back into writing spooky romances and I am so excited for it. Just wanted to say THANK YOU and you are very appreciated!!


@taylormary Oh my goodness thank you so much! I'm glad I was able to help you rekindle that flame and see these kinds of stories from a different perspective! I'll be honest I remember how I was really afraid back then when I was still working on this, lots of people tend to not like these kinds of works, but to see comments like these gives me a lot of hope! Especially at times when I look back over this and see some of my 'cringe' moments lol but again I'm super happy I could help, thank you and glad you enjoyed it! :D


Hello i have a question if its ok to ask i started making a story and it has a character to die should i make the 2 character die? And bring it back in another chapter or should i make them die then come back a couple lines later?


@MacabreCakes ok ill take your advice thank you ^-^


@EclipseTheDemon4 I'd say in another chapter, it would make it sound more interesting than just killing them one moment then suddenly reviving them the next. .o.