
Hey I'm new here so can we be friends because I don't know that much about wattpad 


@Rosestastic I was about to ask how you get so much of views on your stories?


@ Rosestastic  Hi, I'm probably as clueless, but sure! 


Hi :), I just rejoined recently and, your book caught my attention, I must say it was a pleasant experience. I just wanted to appreciate you for the effort you put in your works. Reading your stories always helped me feel much better when I'm down. I just wanted to wish you good luck an sucess on your next works.


@ iykedim  Wow, that's very sweet! Thank you! I'm glad my stories helped you in some way. Thanks for the support! Much love!


Hey there!  I really love your frictions I read them all they are amazing. Actually I just started to write a novel, it would be a great help if you can advice me how to gain more reader.
          Thank you 


@ Rain__6002  Hi, thank you! I don't really have an advice for that, because I didn't do anything specific about that, I think it just takes time. But I wish you a lot of success! 


Hello, hope your doing good and healthy i think I've said it before but I'll just say it again i come from Two lives like that book is so amazing fr the writing, the plots and everything! I really like your writing style too i still can't beleive the facts that it isn't Millions reads yet 


@ AsterryBreezy  Thank you for your support!


Hey , how are you hope your doing fine . I am looking forward to your new stories hope will be posed soon , and plss don't preassurise yourself take your time , love you . 


@ minyonji_17  Thank you so much, I always feel like it takes me such a long time to put out new stories, but I always get so busy that I don't have time to write... I hope I will be able to finish my new story soon, thank you for waiting... Sending love!