
Sorry for the unannounced long hiatus. I'm back.


Thank you for coming back welcome back


Hello!! I really love your novels and if you’re busy, please take your time on doing whatever you have to do and don’t rush it :) !! and um, I just wanted to ask if you do end up having any free time, can you read my 2 chapters for my first novel? You don’t have to don’t worry!! I’m not forcing you or anything it’s just because I haven’t shown it to anybody and I don’t really have views on it and I mean I do have 7 views but since I haven’t gotten any comments or conversations on my profile thing since I’m new. I didn’t know if I should message you or write this through your conversation since im still new to watt pad and not know if it’s normal to just message people directly or not But if you’re really busy or can’t, it’s okay!! 


Oh yeah I forgot to mention I’ve barely started to follow people and I’ve only read your novels without following so that felt rude to say without even following I apologize…


I posted Chapter 49 of "Knocked up by the ML".
          Unfortunately I still do not have a fixed schedule for now. But do expect updates every 2-4 weeks. I'll try to keep it within that datelines... but no promise~ my thesis haven't made much progress as of date... why the heck im writing a fiction when i hv a thesis manuscript to write?! ikr... i'm impressed with my own talent in procrastinating when doing important tasks... no offense, this story is important too! i love writing it... but well, let's just say it was just me rambling about my studies.