
I need help!
          	There is this guy me and my friend think is cute not like, just think hes cute. She told his friend to give me his insta (cs I dont have snap) and his friend told him (the guy i think is cute) and let's say i think he likes me. He made an Instagram account js so he could talk to me but I don't like jim like that I js think he's  attractive and idk what to do. My friend accidently put me on the spot bc when he gave it to me his friends were so happy and looking so I gave it to him but I feel extremely bad cs i feel like its all bad timing and I have 2 classes w him for the whole year so if anything bad happens we will both have to see each other still. My friend if I tell her that she mightve put me in the spot she will feel really bad abt it cs ik she didn't mean to but I kinda wanna give him a chance but another thing js im not allowed to date so what do I do???*cries*


I need help!
          There is this guy me and my friend think is cute not like, just think hes cute. She told his friend to give me his insta (cs I dont have snap) and his friend told him (the guy i think is cute) and let's say i think he likes me. He made an Instagram account js so he could talk to me but I don't like jim like that I js think he's  attractive and idk what to do. My friend accidently put me on the spot bc when he gave it to me his friends were so happy and looking so I gave it to him but I feel extremely bad cs i feel like its all bad timing and I have 2 classes w him for the whole year so if anything bad happens we will both have to see each other still. My friend if I tell her that she mightve put me in the spot she will feel really bad abt it cs ik she didn't mean to but I kinda wanna give him a chance but another thing js im not allowed to date so what do I do???*cries*


ta wiadomość może być obraźliwa
Am I the asshole for this? 
          At school my friend sand i were talking. Out of nowhere they receive a text from their ex. The text message said the following:
          Hey I just want to apologize for what I did. I know I did some fucked up shit to you but I really have changed and I hope you forgive me. We don't have to be friends but its up to you 
          They then showed me the text and asked me should they apologize. I told her no multiple times knowing that everything they talked abt him they cried and broke them really bad. She then tells me that she's going to think about apologizing to her ex. Furious I tell her "what is there to think he raped you and you are thinking on accepting a bullshit apology. You accept that and im not talking to you." Later that day she tells me she accepted it and I havent talked to her since


this message may be offensive
fuck no- it’s exactly what i would’ve done you slayed that