
Hello Penelope, I'm very excited and happy after finishing the Devils Night series, you're fantastic and I'm going to read it again to appreciate every moment.
          I saw something on your website about you saying that people were disappointed with the direction of the story, please don't mind the negative comments, I'm sad to think of you reading this, I have a huge affection for this series and I cried because it ended so Read the books quickly, but reading them again will satisfy the longing, again and again... I'll reread until I know how to tell the story with my eyes closed


Olá Penelope, estou muito ansiosa e feliz depois de acabar a série Devils Night, você é fantástica e vou ler novamente para apreciar cada momento.
          eu vi em seu site algo sobre você contar que teve pessoas decepcionadas com o rumo da história, por favor não se importe com os comentários negativos, fico triste de pensar você lendo isso, guardo um carinho enorme por essa série e chorei por ter terminado tão rápido os livros, mas ler novamente vai matar a saudade, de novo e de novo... vou reler até saber contar a história de olhos fechados


I'm not too sure if you'll see this but I just have to ask since I just finished reading Punk 57 (absolutely loved it btw!) but I was curious about Delilah... did you ever think about writing a story 8n her perspective or even her reading the letter? I just wish they were able to become friends again


@xxbblsxx Hey <3 To me, it didn't matter if Delilah responded. What was important was that Ryen reached out and tried to own up to a mistake. The rest is up to you. If you were Delilah, what would you do? Thanks for reading!


Hi Penelope , I have been reading your books for a long time now. I have complete collection of your books on my shelf and I can't express in words how much I appreciate your writing skills. Your fall away series was my first and from then I have been reading all of your books. I am very grateful for all of your works !!!


@suckingjjkdaddy Thanks! I appreciate hearing that. <3