
@DebinaSenadheera I love it!Thanks for writing such a beautiful story! :) 


Hello! Just discovered your story as I dove back into my twilight phase. I just wanted to commend your writing, as well as thank you for taking the time to show your appreciation to us readers at the end of each chapter. I truly enjoy reading your work as it’s a breath of fresh air after a stressful day. I can tell you truly have a passion for writing, and I love what you have going so far. Can’t wait to read more in the future, xoxo! 


@Kenidee1235 That's so incredibly nice of you to say! You're gonna make me cry! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and to write to me, I'll cherish this message forever! Hope you have a wonderful day! xx


love lena blanchard so so so so much!!! its so refreshing seeing paul in this new spotlight. makes me so giddy and excited!! 


@aghostboo it's okay!! the world has been hectic rn and school is a priority too!! dont feel pressured and update whenever you want!! 


@aghostboo Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm so happy to know that you like my story and the way that I've portrayed Paul! I'll try my hardest to update soon, school and global events just makes it a bit difficult! xx