
Hey besties! Just wanted to give you a heads up I will be unpublishing a few of my stories early next week, so if you're reading any of them, you have the weekend to finish. I'll keep you posted!


I love your computer's name XD
          Maybe I should name mine too


@RebeccaSky his name is hulu


@Rising-Queen haha thanks! Let me know what you come up with!


Happy first day of spring! (at least to the northern hemisphere — guess it's autumn for the southerners!) both are my fav seasons tbh! Hope y'all are having a good year so far. Things have been exciting over here... I have a new baby—she has four legs and is the most adorable thing you've  ever seen. I've been posting about her on my socials if you want to say hi:  
          How are y'all doing otherwise?


@_lazarein right! The cutest!


Adorbs!!! ♥️


@me2you804 thank uuu, I love her!


Happy Sweet 16 Wattpad! 
          I am so thankful for this site and community. I started writing on Wattpad, and that changed my whole life! Can't wait to see what the next 16 brings ♡♡♡♡


@ RebeccaSky  nice to meet you on Wattpad..


@ RebeccaSky  Good job.


Hey all! Tomorrow is Infusion YA book festival: a free online event featuring some amazing YA authors. I'm fanning out as I'm on two panels with some of my fav authors: DEBATE CLUB at 12:30pst/3:30est and THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT YA ROMANCE at 2:00pst/5:00est 
          If you've read Blood Like Magic by Liselle Sambury or watched FIVE FEET APART based on the book by Rachael Lippincott or are a fan of Wattpad Books authors @MatthewD_Writes and @summerbackthen then you won't want to miss this awesome free festival! (There are a lot of other fav authors speaking too) 
          Register here:
          Hope to see you tomorrow!
          ♡ Rebecca Sky


@ RebeccaSky  Goo job


Happy Birthday Rebecca I left you a little message about what's been happening with me and why you might not even remember me. No I haven't been on Wattpad I know how upset you are about not making it there everything was set up you could have made it but you didn't have the passport maybe you could try something else what did we do when Corona was around we did everything via a screen it's not the same I know but I don't think your fans will care they'll be happy to see you and interact with you even if they can't actually touch your hand so to speak if you get my meaning I mean I don't know how else to put this. I know it's not the best solution but don't let this bring you down plenty of people will be just happy enough to see you on the screen if you can arrange it with somebody already there you know FaceTime or what's up both those things I think are kind of free depending on your internet package for me internet is cheap up to a certain amount of gigabytes but FaceTime is free or is it the other way around I don't remember I mentioned I do have memory problems at least short term long-term 20 years ago 30 years ago things that happen in 2013 I remember unfortunately & believe me there are a lot of things I would like to forget. You don't have to have fomo I'm sure there's somebody there like me with this tablet who could arrange a FaceTime log up so that you can be there so to speak please to be a show that I used to like called psych and there's an episode where he cannot leave a hospital bed so he does everything via tablet I think you could do the same then you wouldn't have fomo but maybe I'm just trying to look at this from a positive point of view and there is no positive point of view I'm sorry if I'm coming off like a Pollyanna or something similar as someone who is half the time in a chair & half the time in bed I know the feeling of not being able to be where you want to be & not being able to get there so I tend to look outside the box for answers


@PennyPP thank you, Penny. And of course I remember you. Glad to see you on Wattpad again ♡