The thing about reading books, is that you get lost in your own world that you created. The way the stories plays with your emotions, like you are the character in the book. And when you don't find a good book or a good story, you would usually try to make one your own.

I have been in love with stories since my whole life, and I wanted to share my stories with anyone who would give my stories a chance.

I would probably take a long time till I actually finish a full blown book, but I'll try my best.

"Everything comes with patience.... "

○( ^皿^)っ Hehehe...

{ Future books to finish }:
- Where it all started.
- The beginnings end.
- stepping Stones.
- New beginning.
- In the blink of dawn.
  • Дата регистрацииFebruary 13, 2021
