
First Love Check
          	Jesus, I love you above:
          	This was once a challenge but should really be a regular heart examination.  Think of some things you currently have and whatever it is that you love a lot. This can be desires, people, a position a role, etc. 
          	List those things. Write them down if you really want to do a deep dive and think about them. Remember, no matter how much you have and know they won't fulfill you. Remember, they can't be your foundation. Remember, they are fleeting.
          	I'm remembering this, begin to tell Jesus how much you love Him. Tell Him you love Him above your money, position, status, looks, car, possessions, friends, family, and relationships. 
          	He is still your everything. He is still the most important. He is still your treasure. I recently did this and it led to such a powerful moment of worship and prayer where I felt like I was seeking God with all my heart again.
          	Revelation 2:1-4
          	The Loveless Church
          	2 “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write,
          	‘These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: 2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannotbear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.


First Love Check
          Jesus, I love you above:
          This was once a challenge but should really be a regular heart examination.  Think of some things you currently have and whatever it is that you love a lot. This can be desires, people, a position a role, etc. 
          List those things. Write them down if you really want to do a deep dive and think about them. Remember, no matter how much you have and know they won't fulfill you. Remember, they can't be your foundation. Remember, they are fleeting.
          I'm remembering this, begin to tell Jesus how much you love Him. Tell Him you love Him above your money, position, status, looks, car, possessions, friends, family, and relationships. 
          He is still your everything. He is still the most important. He is still your treasure. I recently did this and it led to such a powerful moment of worship and prayer where I felt like I was seeking God with all my heart again.
          Revelation 2:1-4
          The Loveless Church
          2 “To the angel of the church of Ephesus write,
          ‘These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand, who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands: 2 “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannotbear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars; 3 and you have persevered and have patience, and have labored for My name’s sake and have not become weary. 4 Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.


Matthew 6:13
          13 And lead us not into temptation,
              but deliver us from evil.
          Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to pray for someone not to fall into temptation but for that person to be delivered from evil. Ask that this person won't backslide, compromise and begin to grow stagnant in their faith. Pray that God will help them continue to resist the devil and remain steadfast in their faith. Declare that the plans of the enemy against their lives not to prosper but rather they be guarded against the traps of the enemy and protected from the hidden agendas of the kingdom of darkness. 
          Pray the same requests also for yourself today. That you are guarded and protected. That you won't fall into sin but remain vigilant and watchful. That you won't fall into any of the traps of darkness or begin to backslide.
          Pray that you remain on fire for God and remain walking in passion for God.


@She_Flourishes Amen pray this with me for me cause if two should agree 


"Do not love the world or the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not of the Father but is from the world."
          ~1 John 2:15-16
          The world is evil. Almost everywhere we look, we are confronted with vile, wicked things. Recent technology hasn't helped things improve either. In fact, things like the Internet and TV have only added to the already long list of definite temptations. 
          But that doesn't mean that we are sinning and indulging in evil things by using the Internet or watching television. There are many God glorifying ways we can worship Him through technology. 
          But we must be careful and pray for discernment. It can be way too easy to be drawn into something that can cause us to sin. 
          As Christians, we must keep watchful eyes over what we allow into our homes and our hearts. The enemy is subtle in his tactics and he will try everything he can to draw our focus away from God. 
          We must be careful. We must always seek God in all things. Deception is easily avoided when the first Person we turn to for guidance is God. We must pray. We must read the Word. We must arm ourselves against the deception of the demons and ask the Holy Spirit for a mind of discernment. 
          ~Lily (lilyflower1603)


Whatever weaknesses I may have, don't let the enemy use it against me. Don't let the enemy get to my soft spots. Whatever place in my heart that I've left unhealed, reveal it to me and bring me through a process of healing. I don't want the enemy to use something to destroy me. I don't want the enemy to use any weaknesses I may have to bring a disaster. 
          That's why I pray that you strengthen me where I am weak and that you reveal to me where I need healing that the enemy does not find a door to enter in my life.
          In Jesus Name. Amen.
          Ephesians 4:27-29
          27 and give no opportunity to the devil. 


@Julialxlo means so much to me. Thank you sis, very encouraging. God bless you ♥️


@aunt2mmhk thank you so much for the follows sis. We will start posting on there soon. I'm just trying to organize them in such a way where each platform will have a different post everyday instead of the same thing (:


@She_Flourishes you're such a blessing for many women out there who read your messages every time you post I just know that!!! 


Hello everyone!
          I've recently started a She Flourishes account on Threads! This will allow us to also post on there and receive your replies.  I'll be working on trying to make the threads posts different from on here so you can receive different content in a day.
          I've also been working on the Flourish website, pinterest, and Instagram account. I've been praying so much on it for God's guidance, wisdom, and support. Your prayer would mean so much to me. If you've been blessed by Flourish in any way, your prayers and support would mean a lot. 
          Pray for God to keep guiding this ministry. His our strength and author, without His inspiration and guidance, we really can't do anything at all. Pray that God keeps us, gives us inspiration, and continues to use us. The reason why He uses us is all for you people, so our posts can be used to bless your lives.
          I love you all so much, and I'm always happy to hear from you. I'm here for you whenever you'll need me, whether on Instagram or on here. If you need a sis to talk to, I'll make time . 
          Question of the day:
          How have you all been lately?


@aunt2mmhk amen. Thank you so much!


@She_Flourishes I will pray that this ministry will bless those who read it and that people will find comfort in what they are reading, and be blessed, as I am when I read what you have posted 


@Julialxlo ❤️❤️❤️❤️


What helps you overcome temptation?


@She_Flourishes 1 Corinthians 10:13
            James 1:13-14
            Matthew 26:41
            Romans 6:23 and
            Proverbs 5:22


@peopleandproblems2 what are your favourite verses about temptation?


Thinking of what God says about that particular temptation


          Why Does God Lead Us To Temptation
          We can be led to a season of being tempted so God allows us to be tested like He did with Jesus (Matthew 4:1). God allows and permits temptation to often test our knowledge of His word, our trust, and our dependency on Him. It's important to know God's heart behind allowing you to be tempted. 
          Here is a verse regarding it:
          1 Corinthians 10:13
          English Standard Version
          13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide a way of escape, so that you may be able to endure it.
          He allows temptation because it tests your character and maturity. It's not for God to know what level you are or whether you're mature or not. He already knows. Temptation helps us to see our growth as well. It allows us to see if we truly know how to apply God's word. If we truly are obedient. If we can handle certain situations without compromising.
          Temptations inform us of what we still need to grow and improve on. Temptation reveals what's still lingering in our hearts as a weakness.
          (MORE BELOW)


@Maxii19story makes me so happy to know. God bless you!


@She_Flourishes Thank you for coming into my life, I never thought of it that way. Always used to think that is was my doing.


@tearsofroses1 @Julialxlo  that makes me so happy to know. God bless you guys!


Forgive your Past Self
          If you have repented from doing something but still hold onto regrets, guilt, and shame. You haven't forgiven yourself. God has, but you haven't moved on
          In order to grow as a person. You need to let go of whatever is weighing you down, even if it's you.
          Looking back and cringing at your past mistakes and decisions is good. It shows that you have grown, you have realised your mistakes, you think differently, and would do differently. You're wiser and stronger. That was an old layer of skin. A past you. You need to learn to shed off the past and embrace the new you.
          There will be a time when you'll look back to even this moment and have some regrets. No matter how many good decisions we make, we will always continue to grow in life. God will always keep molding you.
          If you made some mistakes, you still feel shame on, learn to forgive yourself because at that time. That was you. But sis, that was an old you. At this time, you're not that person anymore.
          Allow God to grow you without holding onto your old skin (past you). You can't get mad and upset at a you that doesn't have the information you have now. A you that didn't have the wisdom and understanding you have now.
          (MORE BELOW)


What are your goals for this month?


@ya_girl_drixta thank you for the update. So happy you were able to figure out whats best for you♥️


Hey sister! I just wanted to update you that it’s been getting easier to pray and I figured out I pray best when I turn all the lights off and not play music because it makes me want to sing.


@staceReads that's beautiful ❤️
            I like building that lifestyle to always talk to God about it. It strengthens your relationship with Him so much❤️