
Have a blessed holy week, everyone. ❤️


Is there a book two for My Boyfriend is a Butler? ❤️ I want to know what happens. Plus, I don't want Brice to end in the hands of Augustus. Like no! Plus, Anne and Nicholas didn't end up together yet. I feel sad about how it ended. ( ≧Д≦) MAKE THEM FALL IN LOVEEEEE AND DON'T KILL MY FAVORITE CHARACTER AAAAAAAA 


@Kia0984 Congrats on falling in love with a ghost :D I can't tell you exactly but yes I might re-edit the book or continue it to Book Two. But all of it will remain a mystery~~~ Thank you for your support! ♡


Miss A! Make a book two for Truth or Dare! I want to know what happens! ❤️ 


@Syynea_222 I'll wait patiently Miss A! ❤️❤️❤️ I'm so excited!!!!


@Syynea_222 I will. It might take some time but surely there would be a second book and a bit different from the first one. Thank you for the support. ♡


Miss A! My god, I loved Truth or Dare. Junkio is real!!! ❤️ Plus, how freaking dare you almost giving me a heart attack in the end. 
          Seriously, I don't know how you do it, but your writing totally hooked me from the get-go. And can we talk about those plot twists?! You're a freaking genius! I love the full on documentaries on the novel. It made it look more damn realistic. God.
          You had me on the edge of my seat. I fangirled, I cried, and my heart did the whole rollercoaster thing – it was freaking wild.
          Thanks for creating this little bubble of fantasy for us. Whenever I needed a break, I love how your book was there to blow me away.  
          Ah right, also please translate your books. I want to read L.A.D but I can't since it's Tagalog. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. Keep slaying, author-chan ♥️
          Currently reading Call From Destiny and so far loving it! I have a love hate relationship with Ethan. Haha!  
          Lots of love and fangirling,


@Syynea_222 So excited!!! ❤️❤️ 


@Syynea_222 Thank you for the kind words. It really means a lot. Also, yes, I'll translate L.A.D in English next time after I finish the other books. Enjoy reading as well. ♡