
Hi everyone, long time no see!
          	You may have noticed there’s a new version of Better Than Revenge up. 
          	I wrote the first draft of Better Than Revenge more than 10 years ago now, and it still carries a special place in my heart. I dreamed of traditionally publishing it for a long, long time and even considered self-publishing but ended up shelving the idea. I also just kind of want to write new things at this point and move on. (If you’d like to see some of my newer stuff, check out Just Go With It, which has a new chapter up.)
          	I'd hate for this edited version of Better Than Revenge to live in my files, though, so I thought it was time to share it with the readers who inspired me to keep writing it in the first place. It’s the most recent version of this book from my 2021 rewrite and is a combination of Better Than Revenge and Better Than Me, featuring both Sophia and Christian's perspectives. 
          	I hope you enjoy it (and please, please, please read this one instead of the original, if you happen to stumble upon it or are in the mood for a reread!) It’s currently “ongoing” but I do have it finished, so you don’t need to worry about it not being completed.


I actually read the original and loved it but can’t wait for this version. 
          	  You have a fan and I’d definitely buy it if you change your mind and self-publish 


Good morning, I just finished reading 'Better than revenge' novel and I just couldn't stop myself from posting this message to you. After a long long time, I have found someone who's writing simply echoes my perspective of life. I may not have a talent of my own but boy oh boy I simply live vicarously through your words. I am totally intrigued by your portrayal of the, female protagonist... She is strong, independent, real , humorous and most importantly doesn't leave favours ( good or bad ones) unanswered .... All the stories I read so far had such weak women portrayed even till the end of the plot. Thank you for such an amazing read... You are officially on my hot list. Thanks again... !!! 


Hi everyone, long time no see!
          You may have noticed there’s a new version of Better Than Revenge up. 
          I wrote the first draft of Better Than Revenge more than 10 years ago now, and it still carries a special place in my heart. I dreamed of traditionally publishing it for a long, long time and even considered self-publishing but ended up shelving the idea. I also just kind of want to write new things at this point and move on. (If you’d like to see some of my newer stuff, check out Just Go With It, which has a new chapter up.)
          I'd hate for this edited version of Better Than Revenge to live in my files, though, so I thought it was time to share it with the readers who inspired me to keep writing it in the first place. It’s the most recent version of this book from my 2021 rewrite and is a combination of Better Than Revenge and Better Than Me, featuring both Sophia and Christian's perspectives. 
          I hope you enjoy it (and please, please, please read this one instead of the original, if you happen to stumble upon it or are in the mood for a reread!) It’s currently “ongoing” but I do have it finished, so you don’t need to worry about it not being completed.


I actually read the original and loved it but can’t wait for this version. 
            You have a fan and I’d definitely buy it if you change your mind and self-publish 


Hi, will Better Than Revenge (newer version) be updated any time soon? I decided to read that version instead of the 2012 one because it correlates best when reading “Better Than Me” which I’m simultaneously reading because I’m a sucker for men’s P.O.V. 
          How confusing would it be if I went and read the 2012 version after finishing the fifteen chapters of the newer one? Are the differences in plot that drastic? 




How about you give some time to read this novel?Someone came and took me out of the darkness into the light
          He enlightened my life.
          Sometimes hope comes to us in the form of a person who forgets everything that has passed and gives us an impetus to move forward.