
          Is there a sequel for paraplegic? 
          Before reading the book, I want to make sure that I will read a complete story and not left hanging in between, like many other books. 
          Thanks :)


@Conai_ani No, there is no sequel to Paraplegic, and it is finished, so you will be reading the entire story.
            Cheers in advance. I hope you enjoy it :)


Hiya! It's been a while, hasn't it? After rereading paraplegic for maybe the 5th time I've been wondering if you're ever going to publish another book. (I've taken a look at a few of your other ones as well.) Just curious ^^


@Crystaliaro As of right now, my future books are on hold, sadly, but I do how a few storylines rattling around me brain.
            You've read it 5 times, eh? I'm glad my book is so captivating to you :D


Your book, Paraplegic, is probably one of my all time favorite books on this site and in general. I’m surprised that it doesn’t have millions upon millions of reads like some other books. Your book gives me hope that even though I’m disabled and sick I can still find love in the world. 
          ❤️ Meredith 


Haha nope! This was not the first time I’ve read. I think I’ve read about 4 times now because it’s just so good!!!


@PonyRocks Thank you so, so much, Meredith. I truly appreciate your kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed my book. I do hope it was able to give you a bit of encouragement, because that's why I wrote it, to encourage those who are sick or in need of some uplifting thoughts 
            Oh, how I wish my book had millions of reads. Lol. But hey, at least I have well over 100K 
            Thank you again for taking the time to read my book. I truly do appreciate it.
            P.S. I believe I've seen your name in my feed before. This isn't the first time you've read Paraplegic, is it? 


I love the mandala girl's cover! Also nice to meet you, you being one the of the few male authors on this app :D


@luminous-pixie you're welcome. It honestly is sad!


@luminous-pixie Haha! Thank you. I'm glad you like it :)
            And yes, I'm surprised how unequal the male to female author ratio is. It's kind of sad.


How do you not have more fans!? Just read paraplegic and it made me so emotional!


Aight fam, bet! Let me grab my butterfly net real quick.


@Paigeieee I don't know!! Maybe you can catch some fans for me? ;)


I know we just talked but I love the way you interact with your fans! Most authors don't even care... But then there's you! The story was published years ago but you replied in under a minute! (I could go on singing your praises but as a long term English woman, I have my tea to drink!) 


@Crystaliaro Haha! Of course, if it weren't for the readers, then there wouldn't be authors. And again, I appreciate you reading my book.
            Now, go drink your tea 