
I guess I'll be leaving Wattpad forever!! My stories will be there if you want to read but I won't update any unfinished  stories... Today Wonho left and my hope for kpop also left... This is too much to digest... I may listen to kpop but I decided that I won't go into it deeply to the amount where it is hurting me... Thank you kpop for giving me beautiful memories but also the painful memories... Thank you buddies for loving my books and giving me encouragement!! Love you all!! I will never forget the love you guys showed me!! I wil always be thankful for it - VJ <3


@We_Jay I really did leave K-Pop. Sometimes, I just feel like going back to this time where I had fewer worries and enjoyed what I was doing. Becoming an adult gives lots of loneliness and responsibilities. I wish I were a little more happier when I was loving K-pop. I'll take this as a message to my past self. If you are reading this. Be happy, everything will change for good. You will face more troubles but everything will end one day. That day, you will be more matured, self-reliant, responsible person. One thing you will lose is your innocence. I wish I go back.....


@SamriddhiiKONIC Aww I miss you guys too... I'll try to write again!! Thank you so much 


For real??!!!!! I don't know who you are but for real? You aren't going to finish the book? The it is not worth reading it if I won't be able to know the ending right? Your book is great, just know that.


@black56monster Thank you for reading my story. I'm grateful for it. I wish to read the ending too!! But my feelings towards K-pop have drastically changed, but my love for writing still exists. I can only hope and wish that I'll finish this book. 


I guess I'll be leaving Wattpad forever!! My stories will be there if you want to read but I won't update any unfinished  stories... Today Wonho left and my hope for kpop also left... This is too much to digest... I may listen to kpop but I decided that I won't go into it deeply to the amount where it is hurting me... Thank you kpop for giving me beautiful memories but also the painful memories... Thank you buddies for loving my books and giving me encouragement!! Love you all!! I will never forget the love you guys showed me!! I wil always be thankful for it - VJ <3


@We_Jay I really did leave K-Pop. Sometimes, I just feel like going back to this time where I had fewer worries and enjoyed what I was doing. Becoming an adult gives lots of loneliness and responsibilities. I wish I were a little more happier when I was loving K-pop. I'll take this as a message to my past self. If you are reading this. Be happy, everything will change for good. You will face more troubles but everything will end one day. That day, you will be more matured, self-reliant, responsible person. One thing you will lose is your innocence. I wish I go back.....


@SamriddhiiKONIC Aww I miss you guys too... I'll try to write again!! Thank you so much 


this message may be offensive
Junhoe's Two Faced is on hold. I don't know when I'll continue the book. I'm deeply depressed from Hanbin leaving Ikon. I hope he comes back to Ikon or Ikon leaving YG to start their own company. Dispatch is shit and YG doesn't know the value of its artists so fuck off YG. 


Hey yo lovelies!!!! I'll be back by June 1st and will start updating regularly since I got my brother's wedding to attend this week. Also I'll be starting a new book too for our dear NCTzens. See you all soon in a week :) <3


I'm really sorry for not updating. I have been sick for a while and it will take some more time to cure. I will start posting updates once I'm fully well. Thank you for your patience :)


Almost! But it will take a few more days


@We_Jay are you okay now? 


As my birthday gift my book my sexy captor has ranked no.1 in #kimhanbin  I'm so happy and thank you so much for 4.5k reads ❤️


@We_Jay happy birthday


Heyo lovelies..... Today a beautiful princess was born 23 years ago. She was brought up beautifuly and independently, so now she became a crazy brat Queen.. xD yeah that princess is me ;) I just love myself so much that I can't help posting a birthday wish for myself.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRAZY QUEEN VJ alias Varsha... yay I finally revealed my name yo all :D Thanks for all the love you have given guys... Let this day be a new start to my new year ahead. I won't take promises or something like that cuz I know I would probably end up not doing those So that's all for today.. Enjoy the day guys ❤️




@ We_Jay  HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAVE AN AMAZING DAY. MAY ALL YOUR WISHES COME TRUE. (idk why this is written in caps sorry) 