
Just posted the second chapter please guys go show some love and support ♥️♥️


Heyy are u gonna write another book like my dark professor?? 
          It’s been a while and I’m sure not only me but many would love to see u write another book of a similar theme! 
          It’s a really good book BTW! I’ve read it manyyyyy times!! Amazing work! 


I don't think I've ever found a book before that described love for me as I feel it, but this book, My Dark Professor- each chapter felt like it was dipped in my heart, dipped in my deepest thoughts and the way I see this world, and with that, you used it to write those beautiful, out of worldly words. I love that book and I would definitely read it again. Thank you so much for writing such fantastic book! I'd definitely love to read more from you <3


Aww thank you so much. I’m glad you liked it 


Thanks Fatima for including I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your wonderfully named reading list. Reading that I suppose that sounds odd, thanking for your such a small act, but as new authors always get a wonderful boost every time someone comes across our work. Hope you enjoy the book. 
          We send you huge numbers of electrons over the internet to pay homage to you RK+Reb