
Hey all,
          	I know it’s been a minute since I last put out one of these. Life has a funny way of sending us all down a roller coaster when we thought we were just going to be riding the ferris wheel. That being said, there’s a lot of amazing things going on in the world of The Moon Blood Saga, and I am so grateful to you all for being a part of that!
          	If you haven’t heard, The Hunt was released today! I cannot tell you all how elated I am to be sharing this story with you all; for those of you familiar with the Wattpad version of this story, expect so many more twists and turns in a wild, hell of a ride.
          	So, if you haven’t order your copy, make sure you snag one. There's links in my bio to both local bookstores so you can support an indie bookstore, and Amazon so you can get that next day shipping. 
          	I’ll leave you with some advice that was also given to Charlotte in this book: if you hear your name called in the forest, it’s best not to answer it.    
          	PS: Here's the amazon link --->


When will this be posted to Wattpad? 


Late to the party…but I just received my copy of The Hunt!!!!! So excited to binge-read this book . I see a movie or tv series in the works for you ❤️


@ZeroWineThirty ordered and recieved today The Hunt!! Can not wait to jump back in the story im excited. I fell in love with the series on wattpad. Thank you for publishing this story! ❤️ 


Hello @zerowinethirty I really really really love your work!  All three books The Bite, The Rise and The hunt has been such a huge comfort in my dark days.  I think I have read hundreds and hundreds of time your book, been obsessed with it. Would continue reading it for thousand more time!  I love the bonding of Levi and Charlie, love Derek and Elliot, love Dominic and Hardian, well love each and every character that I'm so emotionally attached to them. Your hard work is commendable and such a inspiration for everyone.
          I think I have been reading the original edition for past two years. Or re -reading it mostly. The bonus chapter one where Lucas visit kids for the first time and other one with kids going to Sam's for first time- are now sadly missing. And through comments I got to know there were more. There were more of BONUS CHAPTERS! And I missed  them. With Lizzie and Dom and with Hadrian twins and Caroline stealing socks. I just read some comments and I instantly felt so sad that I missed them. I really really really want to read them! 
          Pleases, can you upload it back?
           Pretty please
          It will be my luck if I get to read them. Lol, in reality I truly don't have high expectations as I know you're busy with publication. Also, hey congratulations to you. It's every writer's dream to get their hard work published and recognised world wide. And you more than deserve that. A very big hearty congratulations to you! 
          Thankyou, thankyou so much for this series. 
          I wish you all the best, love from India.