
Hello everyone I hope you all are well. 
          	I'm thinking of picking up Goku and Midori-ko again for a short continuum of them being Destroyer and Angel. 
          	Let me know what you think and as always have a good day 


Good morning, afternoon or evening...I'm going back to my original idea for my Baulders Gate 3 fanfic. It's up and posted with two chapters so far. I'm looking for pictures that I like for the characters and will update accordingly. As always have a great day 


Hey there everyone... sorry I've been mia. There's been lots going on and I've been hyper focusing on Baulders Gate 3. 
          Thinking about doing a HalsinxOc at some point. 


@zoeismydogsname It is really great game❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


@storytellergirl22 I just got it recently and it's consumed me lol


@zoeismydogname you play baldur’s gate 3 as well?!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


As sad as it was to hear that you passed Toriyama sensei but you have to be watching over all of us Dragon Ball/ Dragon Quest/ Dr Slump etc fans because I had the worst anxiety over some really important stuff and didn't know how I was going to resolve it without digging myself further into a hole and by some miracle it was fixed by me asking a simple question I was too proud to ask yesterday. 
          Thank you for everything you ever did you were and still are an inspiration and will be severely missed. 


Hello everyone it's been a minute. Been busy with work and life blah blah.
          I was wondering something would you guys rather read about Goku Jr and Ichigo or perhaps Midori-ko and Goku's adventures as destroyer and angel? 


@Zoeismydogsname I would like both tbh. they both are just so cute!!!!


@Ultrainstinctgokuhop tbh I'm leaning towards the Goku and Midori-ko adventures I'm having a heck of a time with the Goku Jr story 