
For readers of Miracles, I’m gonna be working on ALL the chapters for part 3 and then I’ll post them probably in one batch so it’ll probably be like a week until the next update


Dear reader,
          Step into a world where facts intertwine with profound thoughts about life. Explore the depths of existence through the pages of my books, where every turn unveils a new perspective, a new understanding. Dare to journey with me as we unravel the mysteries of life together.




I love your general hospital story there are such few books on this show and Johnny is one of my favorite characters I can’t wait to see how this story goes I read you succession story sinking ships and I am absolutely in love with it can’t wait to read the rest of your general hospital book


That’s so awesome I can’t wait to read them I watch the show with my mom so I understand the obsession lol


@amanda_15_delangel  Thank you!! Rewatching General Hospital has been my current obsession so I should have more updates very soon