
Hey guys, I would like to announce that I'm going to be going on a break for the rest of finals. I really wanted to publish my next story but I was struggling to finish publishing NMtB while trying to deal with everything else, so now that the bonus chapter is published I can finally take a break. I will be back some time early February with another story but for now I need to focus on my finals and trying to keep my grades at a decent level. Sorry again.
          	- Your Bea


Thank you for all the votes on Tobi! 


@InnerFyre No problem, I really enjoyed the story and realized I had read some of your other stories on my old account. I hope you have a great day and continue writing as long as it makes you happy because I for one love the stories. ❤


@beawrites-   And thank you for following me!  ❤️


Hey guys, I would like to announce that I'm going to be going on a break for the rest of finals. I really wanted to publish my next story but I was struggling to finish publishing NMtB while trying to deal with everything else, so now that the bonus chapter is published I can finally take a break. I will be back some time early February with another story but for now I need to focus on my finals and trying to keep my grades at a decent level. Sorry again.
          - Your Bea