
HEY EVERYONE! to anyone who still cares; after exams i'm determined to finish one of my fics, so which one would u prefer me to work on? i have my malia one, erica one, and gally one in progress (and some people have been asking for add ons to the end of my charlie one if yk what i mean) so lmk!!


the erica one please i love it


@DudaFL11 i think i am gonna do that one, it's my fav, and thanks for reading!! it means a lot


hey!!! it’s been awhile but how you been? and definitely the gally one!


Hey I just wanted to say that I read your she walks in beauty and seize the night Charlie Dalton fanfics and lemme just tell you that you are a brilliant writer. I love your poetry that you put in those books. Those books are now my comfort books on wattpad. Just wanted to tell you that and thank you for creating works of art ☀️ also this is random but if you don’t mind asking, are you bi?


@glitterqueen362 SORRY THIS RESPONSE IS SO LATE BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH! That means the world to me. And yes I am bisexual haha <3


HEY EVERYONE! to anyone who still cares; after exams i'm determined to finish one of my fics, so which one would u prefer me to work on? i have my malia one, erica one, and gally one in progress (and some people have been asking for add ons to the end of my charlie one if yk what i mean) so lmk!!


the erica one please i love it


@DudaFL11 i think i am gonna do that one, it's my fav, and thanks for reading!! it means a lot


hey!!! it’s been awhile but how you been? and definitely the gally one!


she wolf update??


@-klauswhore- HEY i’ve been awful at updating but i’ll make sure to put some time in this week and hopefully update it this week, i have a chapter almost ready but i don’t like how i wrote the ending so i’ll edit and update


debating rewriting/editing parts of my charlie dalton fic after 2 years but idk if i could physically do it without cringing every 4 seconds


@deadpvets it’s not cringe at all!! In fact it’s one of the better written ones of wattpad!!


You know, I read your fic like two years ago, when I got this HUGE crush in Charlie Dalton. I remember I loved it, and at the time it was quite difficult to find one, since there weren’t that many. Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that I remember it being absolutely amazing, really. I didn’t find anything cringe at all BUT if you think it needs editing and it’s your wish, then, you have all liberty to do it, I’ll read it again either way. I miss it