
Do you have plans for your own works or reading list this year?
          	One of my goals for 2024 is to release a Webtoon version of WANTED:UNDEAD OR ALIVE. I think it's great fun thinking of ways to share my stories in new mediums and this is about as new as it gets for me.


@Aunt_Beany2 It just feels right for the story, right? I don't have a lot of art background so the learning curve has been steep, but I'm having a lot of fun!


Do you have plans for your own works or reading list this year?
          One of my goals for 2024 is to release a Webtoon version of WANTED:UNDEAD OR ALIVE. I think it's great fun thinking of ways to share my stories in new mediums and this is about as new as it gets for me.


@Aunt_Beany2 It just feels right for the story, right? I don't have a lot of art background so the learning curve has been steep, but I'm having a lot of fun!


I'm so excited to share that Wanted: UNdead or Alive was featured as the Action Profile December book of the month.
          Yes, I'm stupidly late in announcing this. My apologies. But it's not too late to check it out! Big thanks to the Action Ambassadors and to everyone who has supported Olivia and her friends in their wild journey!


Happy holidays,  all! 
          I've been a little quiet here as I work on some editing offline and start a brand new project,  but I'll be back in 2024. Hope you are doing well and having a wonderful,  festive season!


Any more books on Eleanor and Lydia??


@eacomiskey I read the 1st book.. thoroughly enjoyed it.. so crisp and fresh.. I do hope you continue writing more books on this duo.. 


@TwinkleStar015 I'm glad you have discovered them! They are great fun to write. Currently,  there are 2: The Mystery of Novak Manor and The Mystery of The Lakeshore LTD. I hope to have another in 2024.


Just 12 hours from now, I'll be on my way to Toronto for WritersConnX 2023! 
          We'll be in person and online. Tickets are still available! Chat with a diverse group of writers and hear what they have to say about everything from plotting to promoting.  It's going to be amazing!


The first 3 seasons of Wanted: UNdead or Alive are complete! There will be more,  but the story is marked complete for now while I wrap up some other projects for my publisher. If you haven't already fallen in love with Olivia and the gang,  I hope you'll enjoy their adventure. 