
Hello All...
          	How are you all doing?? hope great!! Wish you all a happy new year ❤️
  just in case you all are wondering where I am given that I'd mentioned I would return to writing in first week of Jan onwards...
          	So yes, I wanted to share that unfortunately we lost another of our close family members in a sudden demise in the first week of Jan. Its been a difficult year since April 23 as we'v now lost three of our close family members till now...and our cousins sudden passing in the first week of Jan has come as a sudden shock to us all...such is Life...I guess...none of had imagined the start to the new year with this heartbreaking loss..
          	We are back to Bangalore now after completion of all rituals etc with our family in Delhi...
          	A week - ten days more...and I shall return to writing...
          	Until then...take care you all...wishing you and your loved ones nothing but the best...
          	Thanks for your patience with me this previous year...
          	Much Love and Infinite Gratitude Always


Dearest Prachi. Please take care. Heartfelt condolences and prayers to the departed soul. Loads of love and hugs from me. ❤️


@mysticaltales11111 sorry to hear this, be brave dear, take care ❤️


@mysticaltales11111 Sorry to hear about all this that's been happening to you and your family.. Take Care 