
A sad anniversary, but around the time I post this (between 3:30 AM and 4:00 AM EST) on this day in 1782 (August 27th) John Laurens perished in a skirmish at Combahee river. May he continue to rest in peace. 


A sad anniversary, but around the time I post this (between 3:30 AM and 4:00 AM EST) on this day in 1782 (August 27th) John Laurens perished in a skirmish at Combahee river. May he continue to rest in peace. 


After people suggested I do so, and some editing, I have successfully submitted my book "Slipping Into The Future" into the 2021 Watty Awards. The book should not have any jarring errors anymore. It is over 100k words, though, and I am only one human. I can only edit so much before I must throw in the towel and call it done.


@Ame52017  thank you for your continuous support!




I just realized that the hundreds of inline comments in my fanfic will all be detached from quotes once I publish my newly edited chapters. Get ready for pure chaos in the comments section xD Nobody will know where or why most comments are there now ahahahaha!


I just finished reading In Only Seven Days, and I have to say, if it was a paperback or hardcover book, I'd buy it and read it over and over again!


@peblezQ you're welcome! It was a great book


I went to your AO3 and I can’t find the queen fic you wrote. Could you tell me where I can find it?


@peblezQ thank you so much ☺️


A few people sent me DMs saying I should submit Slipping Into The Future into the Wattys. I just might do it for fun after I finish editing it (:


@peblezQ OMG YESSS that book is so good and emotional!


@peblezQ Omg, yes! Please do! Even if it's just for fun, please do it!


Howdy! I will be editing Slipping Into The Future soon! Nothing insane, mostly just making sure there are no grammatical/spelling/technical errors as I am sure some things slipped past my eyes back when I was writing/posting it. If any revisions are made, they would be minor since I am proud of the foundational structure of the story so no need to panic about major changes. If anything, the story will hopefully just be better to read after I fix it up!  I also might make a new cover for it. The current one was made in like 10 minutes in Photoshop.
          Thank you to everyone who continues to read and engage with it. It means the world to me knowing that my silly book means something to people!


I want you to know that you are an amazing person. I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you. Once you read this message, you must send this to 15 people. If you get at least 3 back, you are loved! ❤️❤️❤️