
thank you endlessly for 25K reads on Sun Kissed! :') <3


@swallowedhearts you deserve those reads!! Your book is one of my favourites that I've found on Wattpad; keep it up!!
जवाब दें


@swallowedhearts congratulations it is very much well deserved :)))
जवाब दें


Hey there, I just read your  novel "3rd time's a charm" (it's the 1st book I read of yours, and i definitely gonna read more;).
           Let me share some views from the reader point of you. So the book was good, definitely no doubt about it. And you mentioned that you were not satisfied by the plot and we get it, in the chapter around 22-25, it was a roller-coaster, at one point I even thought of stopping it, bcz i was just so frustrated with brooks (like when he was before talking to his aunt was a  blunder, and we get it he was just a teenage, and during the talk how he was saying that his life was going in circles, repeats, but he HIMSELF was not doing anything for that, just wanted others to fix themselves) 
          Also, I still don't get why he broke with Archie the 2nd time. It felt kinda idiotic, especially  AT THAT TIME, bro. The time was not right at all.... but okay, they were being stupid, we all do stupid thing in life, I guess.
          But it was worth reading it whole, worth the shot for sure, for them and for me, so tysm, keep it up;))))))))


How much I wanna know what's goin on with Tuck now .... Does he dream at midnight of a soft hair tickling his nose with a smile on his face?
          or is he pulling his hair in his white-knuckled fists in the middle of a snowy street and trying to breathe evenly?...


@swallowedhearts aww.... that's very heartwarming. So there might be a salvation somewhere in life from all these agonies. 


@ahahdwidkwjsiwkw I’m sorry for such a wait, dearest! He’s back (as much of a pain as he is) whenever you’re ready for him! <3 


@EthanH6 to think it’s about ten years down the line for him from the events of the story is sometimes startling. I’d love to know myself where he is! But wherever he is, in my mind, he’s doing well, he goes through his day with a smile and he sleeps without trouble :’) 


I just finished Pride and Joy and i just wanted to say how much i loved the story and how much it made me cry and feel and literally i can't even describe how amazing your writing is. Thank you for this beautiful story ❤


@garlichelicopter I'm so glad to hear that the story meant something to you <3 Your kindness and support is so appreciated and means so much❤ Thank you so much for reading, my lovely, and for leaving such a wonderful message :')
जवाब दें


Hey! I hope you're fine. 
          May I ask how often do you update "the best of us? 


@EthanH6 no need to apologize at all. Your life comes first, handle that and then you can write the way you want.  Take care of yourself and I hope everything gets better soon. Best
जवाब दें


@EthanH6 Hello, dear! I'm well, thank you, and hope you are as well. Working on the update as we speak :') Life has been hectic lately but it will be coming by the end of this week! Hoping to get back into more regular updates, apologies for the delay <3
जवाब दें


          May I ask how many chapters you planned for 'Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?' and 'The Best of Us'? 
          I plan to read them both when it's over because I don't think I can bear to wait for the update (your story is so addictive). Thanks in advance!


sure I'd love that! thank you very much!
जवाब दें


@arborescentss hello, my lovely!!
            Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo? only has three parts left (including an epilogue). However, truthfully, it hasn’t been updated in about two months? 
            Good news, though! I’m away from home right now but will be back in a couple of days and will be back to work on those chapters so I can finally get it completed! The goal is September / October time :’)
            As for The Best of Us, I couldn’t actually give you a number or time, unfortunately. It’s the longest project I’ve ever written and I only plan about five - eight chapters in advance.
            I would be more than happy to leave a message for you when they are completed if that’s something you’d like. I really appreciate your continued support of my work so thank you very much :’) <3
जवाब दें




यह संदेश आपत्तिजनक हो सकता है


@iben1009 this made my day so much better THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying!! :’D <33
जवाब दें