
hiiii so i’m graduating on thursday and going to florida like right after so i will try my best to get another chapter out next week but there’s no promises! i love you all thank you for your patience!


@thomasstyles5 CONGRATS SO THATS SO AMAZING do u think the new part will be out soon? no rush ofc




@thomasstyles5 appreciate it so much congrats on graduation! The chapters give me life


Greetings, I am a new aspiring poet on this platform, in a hasty attempt to reach out to like minded people, I am nothing but another mere being living amongst such. I have started my own series and will publish one piece off of my journal everyday, kindly give it an opportunity and share your views likewise, if you like it please drop a vote and stay tuned for more. However my poetry is rather dark themed and suitable for mature readers only.


hiiii so i’m graduating on thursday and going to florida like right after so i will try my best to get another chapter out next week but there’s no promises! i love you all thank you for your patience!


@thomasstyles5 CONGRATS SO THATS SO AMAZING do u think the new part will be out soon? no rush ofc




@thomasstyles5 appreciate it so much congrats on graduation! The chapters give me life


GUYS WHO'S AFRAID OF LITTLE OLD ME BY TAYLOR SWIFT IS SOOOO MAE. omg i had a heart attack i made a playlist of mae's female rage songs and trust you are going to get a lot of those in the new chapters i'm writing. 
          also i totally think Mae would participate in the "You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" trend and she'd totally put a picture of the Maze. she would be a tiktok girly...
          anyways, new chapter coming probably some time next week, then i probably won't update for liek a monthish or so because i'm going to be SOOO busy because grad szn. but when i do update it will be like 3 or 4 chapters at once. so just trust.
          love ya!!


Love the alternate sequel to 'when we're older', it's so good even though it's kinda sad, I just want a reunion. Its giving me Catching Fire vibes, like with Katniss and Peeta, and with the gladers being the rebels and Mae captured by WCKD. I just hope it ends happily, and they find her before thd baby comes with her being too brainwashed or whatever. I wouldn't put it past WCKzd to not do something with Newt and Mae's long do you think this book will be?


i am planning it to be around 4 or 5 parts, ten chapters each! a reunion will be coming quicker than you think!!!


okay serious question : 
          i’m doing a research paper on harry potter and am really getting deep into the psychology of harry, ron, and hermione—is tbag something y’all would like to see in the possible future? like a harry potter fic? i’ve had something planned for a while but only have a little bit written…


@thomasstyles5 um YES please that would be amazing. i love it when fics really go in depth, it just makes the characters and story seem so much more alive.


@thomasstyles5 Yes!! I would love to read it!! I love hp fics and characters with depth so that would be amazing!


I've decided that the next chapter will be a double update because there is something coming and i just can't wait for it! but that also means that I'll need a little time to write those next couple of chapters so please be patient with me!!! Love you all!


hey guys i just wanted to give u a heads up on the time jumps so far.
          so if i’m right at this point in the story Mae should be like 4ish months pregnant, so she’s spent 4 months with WICKED and Newt and gang have spent 4 months looking for her. 
          To get the story how I want it, there’s gonna be quite a bit of time jumps in the next few chapters so just go along with it, it’s all for the plot and i don’t want to bore anyone with the same searching and reaching dead ends and stuff like that so i’m gonna jump to the important stuff to keep the sections even and the story going!! 
          thanks for being awesome and understanding. 
          PS. You’ll hear from Mae again very soon. 


@thomasstyles5 So excited for the reunion