
Season one of Pure Luck is complete! I'm super proud of the ending which has given me some inspiration. I'm going to try and get some Liar, Liar every other week at least, but my focus will be finishing off Sweet Seduction and Past Lives and I'll update both of those at least once a week. 
          	(That's the GOAL I am super busy at the moment, but my medications are kicking in so I feel much better now!)
          	Love you all! Have a great weekend <3


Season one of Pure Luck is complete! I'm super proud of the ending which has given me some inspiration. I'm going to try and get some Liar, Liar every other week at least, but my focus will be finishing off Sweet Seduction and Past Lives and I'll update both of those at least once a week. 
          (That's the GOAL I am super busy at the moment, but my medications are kicking in so I feel much better now!)
          Love you all! Have a great weekend <3


I am alive! I'm just going to put this message out here to express why the updates are sparse
          1) I've needed to change medications for both my rocky mental health (it's on the rise, but for a while, was not so good) and also health health medications. It took it out of me as my body adjusted
          2) I've, out of literally nowhere, have started getting migraines. It's (shockingly) very painful, I can't really move without it getting worse, and my eyes can't focus, which means writing doesn't happen
          3) I am moving to a foreign country where I know no one and only have limited plans. I also have no family or friends moving with me, so I'm on my lonesome. I move in a few weeks, so I'm working my ass off for money and getting all my things in order
          4) My phone broke, and some of my rough chapters are gone :,)
          When I did daily updates, I didn't have anything else to do, so I could focus my all on it. Now I have so many things I have to do. I'm going to try and set an hour a day to focus on writing, but there are no promises. Every story I've started WILL BE FINISHED, I just can't promise when. Once things are in place, my goal is for ALL my stories to be updated ONCE A WEEK instead of once every month lmao
          Trust me, I hate not updating more than you guys are frustrated with not getting updates. Thank you to everyone who is still interested and reading, I appreciate it more than I can express. Writing this and creating this little community is genuinely one of the things I'm most proud of. So, I love you all, I hope to make updates consistent
          I hope you are all doing well. Thank you, love ya
          - Gushy <3


I was sad so I started a Joel Miller ff, it has made me feel better so if you're into that and would like to try mine out feel free.
          Everything else (fingers crossed) will be updated in the coming days (Liar, Liar & Pure Luck & Sweet Seduction).
          Hope y'all are all doing well!






Okay but liar liar when? Cause I miss them… great book btw


No rush, I get it. Good luck with your stuff


@urmomsrightcooterlip i've got an insane amount on my plate right now so i'm struggling to balance it all out, i don't know when but hopefully soon!