
Updates for 'A Song of War' and 'In the Rise' posted


@world_joy_ Hey! Your stories are so cool. Do you think you might be interested if I convert these into visual novels? The rights will obviously remain yours and I will do this for free. It will just be a lot of fun to consume them in such a format. Anyway, let me know :)


@world_joy_ what am trying to ask is that, is the rise still having more chapters or it already done


@mosesdamilola ??? reexplain what you are trying to ask ???


I just wanted to say how absolutely amazing your writing is, the detail is as if I am there in the moment. It creates a pure image in my mind that makes the experience of reading your books just so incredible. I think you might be the most amazing writer I’ve ever ever come across and I am so happy I did, so thank you so much for writing these incredible stories and sharing your gift with the world. You will forever hold a place in my heart for the happiness your stories brought me ❤️


Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!

          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!


Hey, apologies, trying to reach some  like-minded poets and poetry readers. If there are any readers out there who are spiritual and love deep poetry, I'm a newly published author trying to share some of my writing with you. To all the poetry fanatics, I have some of my published work on Wattpad.